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The evolution of kingship in medieval England

2018-11-02 来源: 51due教员组 类别: 更多范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The evolution of kingship in medieval England,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中古英国王权性质的演变。14世纪以后,随着庄园制的瓦解,封君封臣体制逐渐衰落,英国王权的公权性质凸显出来。然而英国王权的有限性并没有因此改变,虽然英王受到的传统制约有所减少,但是新的制约因素――议会随之出现。议会制度的建立,加强了英国王权的公权特征,但议会同时也是限制英国王权过度膨胀的重要因素,从而在体制上避免了英国专制王权的出现。

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The nature of kingship in medieval England has always been an issue of concern to the academic community. Finance is an important perspective to understand the nature of kingship in ancient Britain. Medieval British finance experienced a process from royal finance to national finance, which was mainly reflected in the evolution of taxation forms and financial institutions. It reveals the transformation process of royal power from private to public power in medieval England.

The nature and status of kingship in medieval England have been widely discussed in the history. In the author's opinion, the development of royal power in Britain generally shows that in the early middle ages, private power was dominant and public power was auxiliary. After the 14th century, it was transformed from the royal power with strong private nature to the royal power with increasingly strengthened nature. The evolution of tax forms and fiscal institutions in medieval Britain illustrates this point well.

There are many taxes and different names in medieval England, which can be divided into two categories: land tax and national tax. As a unique tax form in the history of Western Europe, the land tax is the tax levied by the king as the largest one under the system of enfeoffment. Part of the land tax revenue is equal to the part of the normal revenue of the royal financial source. Legally speaking, this is a tax based on private rights. The land tax was closely related to the system of enfeoffment. In the middle and early ancient times, compared with the national tax, the land tax was not only more items, including shield money, arbitrary tax, other income received by the king, judicial income, assistance money, royal special income, etc., but also high tax rate and large amount of collection. And shield money and arbitrary taxes are the bulk of land taxes. The national tax is basically equivalent to the extra income of the royal financial source, which is a kind of tax levied on all the people by the king as the king of the country. It is the income beyond the feudal privileges of the king, and it is a tax based on the public power. The national tax is relatively less than the sealed land tax, mainly including Danish gold, carucci, chattel tax, tariff and so on.

The taxation of middle ancient England experienced a gradual evolution from land tax to national tax, which was a reflection of the transition from the royal power with strong private nature to the royal power with expanding public nature. Under the pressure of increasing military and administrative expenses, the king of middle kingdom constantly searched for new taxes, which led to the changes of British taxation patterns.

Due to the influence of the system of enfeoffing emperors and ministers, the tax of middle ancient Britain took on temporary characteristics. In addition to customs duties, the king lacked a regular source of revenue, and many taxes were levied as emergency measures, such as Danish gold, karucci, arbitrary taxes, shield money, chattel taxes, and so on. Thus, in every case of war, the king was often in a financial emergency. Therefore, in order to adapt to the needs of the situation, land tax and national tax itself has undergone a series of changes. The Danish king turned to taxes on movable property and duties because of the low tax rate, low tax rate and low frequency. There are many kinds of land tax, but they do not coexist at the same time. For example, money on shield is replaced by arbitrary tax, and arbitrary tax is transformed into movable property tax in national tax.

The 14th century was a transitional period from land tax to national tax. Before the 14th century, taxes in medieval England were mainly confined to land. Before the 12th century the British national tax was only one Danish dollar. Henry I's financial income for the year 1129-1130 was 26,000 pounds, of which only 2,500 pounds came from Danish gold, and the rest from fiefdoms. The national tax was less than one ninth of that.

After the 14th century, due to the influence of hundred years' war and other factors, the nation state of England gradually formed, and the central and local administrative organs were gradually established, and the king developed towards a direction of sovereign power. The system of enfeoffment and enfeoffment based on land enfeoffment gradually declined, and the status of the monarch gradually faded. As a result, the proportion of land tax revenue declined, and the national tax gradually took the dominant position, and some new taxes were levied on the basis of the old national tax. Therefore, the tax forms of middle ancient Britain show a trend of evolvement from land tax to national tax.

Before the 14th century, the land tax in medieval England was a tax imposed on the Lord by the king as a sovereign. The king could also collect taxes on all the subjects according to his status as a king. As the income from these projects constitutes the main body of fiscal income, the financial income in the early period of middle and ancient Britain has a remarkable feature of privileged income.

After the 14th century, the country's administrative and military expenditures grew steadily, forcing the government to hope for a rapid increase in revenue to meet rising expenditures. But the fiefdoms were more than enough to sustain the royal family, and far less than the war, and the government had to seek new sources of revenue. In the first half of the 14th century, the fiefdoms outside the crown of the king gradually decreased. Meanwhile, some national tax items that could only be collected with the approval of parliament came into being. This caused a change in the form of taxation. Among these emerging items, tariffs and chattel taxes are often levied in large amounts. At this time, tariff revenue has become the basis of government revenue. Under western European legal systems, these levies could be imposed only in emergencies such as a war, and must be approved through a range of negotiations. The initial target of the consultation is the sage, noble conference and other organizations. After the establishment of the parliamentary system in the late 13th century, the power of taxation was transferred to parliament. In this way, after the 14th century, the pattern of taxation based on privileged income gradually changed to that based on agreement income.

The kingship of medieval England not only embodied the features of private law, but also the features of public power as a national public affairs processing institution. This is reflected in the form of taxation is the land tax and national tax levy changes. The national tax is the economic embodiment of the public power of the state, and is the tax collected by the king as the monarch. Under the system of patronage, the king, as the supreme Lord of the country, was like other lords, relying on the income of his domain and other fiefdoms, rather than on the taxes paid by the people, to maintain the normal needs of the royal family. In the early middle ages, the United Kingdom mainly levied land tax, which reached its peak in the 13th century and gradually declined after that. With the collapse of the estate economy, the proportion of land tax revenues declined, and the national tax levy gradually took the dominant position and eventually replaced the land tax. This shows that the private character of the royal power has gradually given way to the public power.

Maitland believes that "kingship is a form of ownership" and that the power of the king and his vassal is private, and there is no essential difference between the two. The degree, not the kind, of the crown's sovereignty was different from that of the nobility. The fact that the king was more powerful than other lords did not fully prove that it was a public power, but only proved that it was a "privilege". The characteristics of the prerogative income of the previous financial revenue of medieval England illustrate this point. From the perspective of jurisprudence, in the middle ages, "the property and position of the king were only owned by him personally", and only in the 14th century did the king have the public and private ownership of the property, which embodied the state power and contained the king's personal privilege. After the 14th century, the forms of taxation in medieval England showed a trend of evolution, which reflected the qualitative change of kingship.

In fact, due to the unique phenomenon of "the same public right and private right" in the middle ages of England, the line between the land tax based on private right and the national tax reflecting public power is still blurred. On the one hand, national tax has the characteristics of temporary and random, and taxation is only an emergency measure. On the other hand, strictly speaking, even the "earliest national tax in Western Europe" is not a national tax in the pure sense. Although Danish gold was already a tax outside the fiefdom and had a distinct nature of public power, it was not levied and not free until the middle of the 12th century. Carucci, first levied under Richard in 1198, and veeran. The movable property tax, which will be levied gradually in the future, will be levied according to the household assessment regardless of its status. Therefore, the nature of the national tax began to change, and the feudal color declined.

At the turn of the 14th century, great changes took place in British polity. Parliament controlled the country's fiscal power and further restricted the royal power. From the 14th century on, the king began to rely mainly on the national tax to pay for the war, and the British tax system started from the consultative system into the parliamentary system. With the gradual reduction of the king's fiefdoms and the expansion of new tax sources, parliament began to control the right to levy taxes, and Britain began the initial transition from royal tax to public tax.

The evolution process of the taxation form and financial institution in medieval England reflects the transformation process of the British royal power from private power to public power. Generally speaking, 13, 14 at the turn of the century, is a watershed for the change of the nature of the British monarchy: before that, influenced by sealing jun homager system, as the land of herod, step by step of sovereignty has also been attached to the land layer upon layer segmentation, king rely mainly on the rule of the aristocracy of the loyalty between the higher and lower to maintain the relationship with asylum. The dominant system was the most important feature of Britain in this period. The king of England was the largest Lord of the kingdom, and the British royal authority was mainly manifested as a kind of private suzerainty. In this period, the British royal power was dominated by the nature of private rights and supplemented by the nature of public rights. After the 14th century, with the collapse of the manorial system, the system of enfeoffment and enfeoffment gradually declined. However, the limitation of royal power in Britain did not change. Although the traditional constraints on the king of England were reduced, the new constraint -- parliament emerged. The establishment of the parliamentary system strengthened the characteristics of royal power in the UK, but parliament was also an important factor to limit the excessive expansion of royal power in the UK, thus avoiding the emergence of autocratic royal power in the UK.


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