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Assignment代写:Paranormal phenomena in film and television

2018-07-31 来源: 51due教员组 类别: 更多范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Paranormal phenomena in film and television,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了影视中的超自然因素。超自然因素,指的是超出人类所能理解和把握的某种能力或者某一事物。在当代影视中,大量采用了超自然因素情节,因此已经脱离了早些年纯粹的现实主义和历史主义题材的禁锢,在思想、文学创作和拍摄手法上都融入了魔幻的浪漫主义色彩。超自然因素的出现总是伴随着深刻的思想内涵,最终实现故事思想主题的升华。

Paranormal phenomena,影视中的超自然因素,assignment代写,paper代写,美国作业代写

The supernatural is something that is beyond the range of human understanding and mastery. As one of the important genres of folk stories, magical stories interweave the supernatural elements with the real life, reflecting the changes of the protagonist's life circumstances from lack to satisfaction, or expressing his adventures and adventures. Supernatural factors endow folk magic stories with unique magical colors. Whether they are stories of supernatural images or magical treasures, stories of problems and spells, stories of ghost foxes and monsters, magic stories are among the most attractive and vital subjects in folk literature. Meanwhile, magic stories with supernatural factors have also become the most indispensable plot unit in contemporary film and television literature creation. Both of them maintain a high degree of consistency in character image, plot structure and ideological connotation.

The plot of the story often needs to be developed in the process of repetition, or two or more motifs are combined to make the plot of the work more complex and diversified. So supernatural factors in the development of contemporary film and television, nature is one of the first "? harry potter" series. From the unique perspective of supernatural images, the creator set up a supernatural realm with independent living rules and independent existence relative to the human world. In addition to demons, exotic animals and supernatural humans, there are also a plethora of flying broomsticks, moving portraits, floating souls, spells and magical treasures. The hero himself, by some chance, has possessed supernatural power or acquired magical treasures, thus carrying out some kind of sacred mission. Valuable is that harry ? potter unfolds the supernatural element in the story all the performance of the type. As for the ghost fox ghost films and TV works with frequent supernatural plots, such as "ghost of clinique", a representative work of Chinese films in the 1990s, adapted from the theme of Chinese traditional alien matrimony, the success of the box office has become a symbol of the rise of supernatural plots in Chinese films by adding tao and magic fighting methods and using new technological special effects. By the end of the 1990s, supernatural plots had become an important plot element in Chinese films.

Modern films and television can adopt a large number of supernatural elements, which has been freed from the bondage of pure positivism, realism and historicism in the early years. They have incorporated magical romanticism in their thoughts, literary creation and shooting methods.

Film and television works are affected by the market demand. The quality of a film and television work depends on the box office to prove that the level of box office is directly affected by the psychological demand of the audience. Different from folk stories, the creative subject of film and television literature is an individual. A good film and television work requires a lot of processing and adaptation, which is directly driven by the social effects of commercial operation, that is, what audiences want to see and what they are willing to see. At the same time, the writer as the creative subject is also influenced by personal psychological factors. It can be said that the large number of supernatural factors in film and television works reflects the psychological appeal of writers and social audiences to film and television.

For a long time, domestic film and television creation has focused on the reflection of reality, and there have been a large number of works on the theme of life, especially those on the theme of rural life in northwest China, which reflects the lowest life in rural China. In the contemporary society where the marketization is extremely active, the needs of the audience have been satisfied not only in the material level, but also in the broader spiritual level. The curiosity about the unknown world and the unfulfilled expectations in the real world are the main reasons for the large number of supernatural factors. The slogan "nothing is impossible, nothing is impossible, nothing is impossible" expresses the human need for self-knowledge and development. Fantasy and emotion become the new psychological appeal of the audience, which reflects the contemporary society with the development of mass production. The return of people's spirit under the rich material civilization condition also promotes the return of romanticism.

Romanticism, which is characterized by fantasy and emotion, is an important source of literary creation. Romanticism adopts myths and legends, strange stories and exotic customs far away from real life as its subject matter. Even if it is related to real life, it is bound to have rich imagination and become an ideal world. The widespread use of supernatural factors in the creation of films and television has made the film and television literature go from positivism, realism and historicism to romanticism, which is the inevitable development of contemporary social spirit.

Rich and colorful folk literature is the source of film and television creation, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. Folk literature can reflect people's life and thoughts and feelings. In particular, folk magic fantasy stories, with rich expressive functions and summary functions, show people's magnificent imagination, show noble aesthetic interest and profound rational knowledge. Folk stories have always been one of the important sources of film and television creation. Supernatural factors are the crystallization of the wisdom of the masses of working people and the precious wealth that can stand the test of The Times.

Hollywood, the leading figure in film and television, has entered a period of supernatural convergence. From the early superman series to spider-man, alien, and Lord of the rings, supernatural factors have become the guarantee of movie box office, from outer space factors to human variation, and from the reconstruction of reality from the false thinking of history. European films have experienced the development of the vampire craze to the wizarding world. As for Japan, which is the leading country in the animation and game industry, it has been "deeply involved" in the age of excessive supernatural factors for a long time.

Movies in Europe and the United States always take justice as the main line and get love as the supplement. The last battle between evil spirits and righteous people is the focus of the film. Looking back at Chinese movies, I have to admire the great charm of Chinese fantasy stories. China's 5,000-year-old civilization offers a richer, more exotic and more romantic world of imagination. The plot motif of the folk fantasy stories accumulated over time is the most outstanding culture of the people. Therefore, the Chinese language film and television in the details of processing more delicate and gentle. The alien marriage represented by "white water element woman" is an eternal theme. The passionate love is always the main thread of Chinese films and television, and it is easier to reach a high resonance with the audience.

The emergence of supernatural factors is always accompanied by profound ideological connotations. Whether it is the magical figure with the legendary life or the poor person with the precious treasure, eulogize the true, good and beautiful of human nature in the struggle between good and evil. Whether it is magic or fox fairy ghost, most of the activities of ghosts magnify human nature, reflecting the human world. The emergence of supernatural factors is to help "good" overcome "evil" and finally realize the sublimation of the theme of story thought.

The development of contemporary social technology can almost achieve the effect of feigned truth, which is also the reason why the film and television works with supernatural plots can emerge in large Numbers and become popular all over the world. A large number of remakes of classic fantasy stories are realized on this basis. As a new media produced under the background of the development of modern science and technology, the propagation of film and television has also led to the change of communication mode. Music and images are adopted to dynamically represent text, which is more aesthetic enjoyment than pure visual reading. In particular, the application of 3D technology and special effects can more naturally express the supernatural factors in the text, and also enable the audience to enjoy the beauty and have a natural psychological identification with the supernatural factors.

As early as the late 1950s, special effects have been widely used in epic films such as the ten commandments. The transformation of the walking stick into a double snake and the divine force into a river are all classic scenes in the early stage of digital special effects. At the end of the last century, digital special effects were used as a very important tool in the production of blockbusters all over the world. Films like Star Wars and the fifth element are representative works of digital technology. ? before and after the new century, Peter Jackson and his weta studio dedicated a breathtaking "Lord of the rings" series, contributed to the combination of digital technology and film a monument, at the same time also won the majority of fans. The successful creation of Lord of the rings marks the maturity of special effects technology.

Compared with foreign countries, such films started late at home, but also made great progress. Among them, the secret of the gourd can be said to be the representative of such films in China. The film was made into a black and white film by the tianma film studio in 1963 and became a household name in more than half a century. In 2007, China film group, together with American Disney and Hong Kong centro digital, first created a live-action animation film, which also opened a new way of co-production for domestic children's films. "The secret of the gourd" lived up to expectations, earning 5.54 million yuan in its first week of release. Its performance was comparable to that of last year's imported animation "cars," which grossed more than 16 million yuan in its second week. The film not only USES sophisticated digital special effects made by real people and 3D animation, but also USES classic scenes from Hollywood blockbusters such as Star Wars, Jurassic park and toy story to interpret this standard Chinese fairy tale. In addition to these extremely visually stunning shots, the mountains, pinghu, bamboo forests and other great views that can only be seen in those domestic blockbusters are also refreshing. The rich and changeable animation design, omnipotent visual spectacle and the real life scene combine seamlessly, has become the film's biggest highlight.

The supernatural factor is man's imagination of the unknown world and expansion of human nature on the basis of his own knowledge, which reflects his strong desire for exploration and development. The rich and colorful fantasy stories provide a platform and space for human imagination, and the effective combination of supernatural factors and film and television makes the expression of human dreams more direct and clear, and provides a good opportunity for the development of folk literature.


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