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Focus schools in the us education mode

2018-11-05 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Focus schools in the us education mode,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的焦点学校教育模式。美国的焦点学校是美国一种特殊的学校类型,包括专门学校、磁性学校、选择性学校和天主教学校四种类型。在美国,虽然综合高中得到普遍认可,但是长期以来专门学校或主题学校,再加上专门招收特殊学生的学校,构成了美国的特殊学校类型。这些专门化高中都渴望取代综合高中成为中等教育的学校模式。

Focus school,美国的焦点学校教育模式,essay代写,作业代写,代写

The focus school in the United States is a special school type in the United States, including specialized schools, magnetic schools, selective schools and Catholic schools. Although comprehensive high schools are generally recognized in the United States, specialized schools or theme schools, such as the Latin schools in Boston, have long been widely favored, together with schools specialized in special students, constitute the special school type of the United States. These specialized high schools are eager to replace comprehensive high schools as medium education schools.

It is necessary to trace the history of comprehensive high school. The old integrated high school came into being before the 1920s. At that time, in order to oppose the establishment of separate schools for managers, workers, the privileged class and the poor, it took continuous efforts to achieve the success of the establishment of comprehensive secondary schools. For nearly a century, comprehensive secondary schools have been virtually unchallenged and revered as ordinary schools. However, the integrated high school has come under a lot of criticism for being more like a shopping center than an institution that provides students with integrated education. There is also evidence of a large number of dropouts in comprehensive secondary schools and an increase in illiteracy among graduates. Many of these students are concentrated in urban areas, and the urban high school graduation rate has been only around 50 percent. In addition, quite a few high schools expose their shortcomings. In many school classrooms, there is a tacit understanding between teachers and students. Teachers do not ask students too much and students do not do too much. At the same time, violence, drug abuse and street crime constitute serious social problems, affecting the normal teaching of schools and social security and stability. So the public is very hopeful that there are schools that can help mitigate or eliminate these things from happening.

In the early 1960s and 1970s, efforts to end segregation led to a new generation of specialized schools, called magnet schools, that catered to students of all RACES. Since the 1960s, the number of selective schools has increased, many of them specialized in students considered impossible to complete, that is, students with learning difficulties. As a result, the term has become common in American specialized schools.

A study by the rand corporation found that such schools are superior to integrated high schools. As a result of this research, focus schools have gained wide legal recognition, and more and more focus schools have been established in many urban areas. The rand corporation coined the new term focus schools to refer to special-purpose schools, calling them "special secondary schools." Focus schools include high schools, elementary schools, and junior high schools. Focus schools are either Catholic schools or public schools with special purposes or characteristics. The new school, which consists of two structures, is markedly different from the standardized regional integrated high school. In fact, about 44% of school districts now have focus schools. As a result, focus schools are perhaps the best way to restructure high schools.

In fact, there are obviously four types of focus schools, Specialty School, Magnet School, Alternative School and Catholic School, but not all of them contain all the features of focus schools. These schools are independent, non-public and many private schools are not focus schools. These four types of focus schools have their own uniqueness in terms of their focus.

Specialized schools include the oldest focus schools, such as the Boston Latin school founded in 1635. These schools have clear themes and broad focus. Although the number of such schools is relatively small, there is a lot of pressure on comprehensive secondary schools, and the impact is widespread across the country. They have high standards of admission and are a unique institution that accepts only high-achieving students. Obviously, the students who go to such schools are outstanding young people and scholarship winners. In fact, these schools measure their success not by the number of students who attend college, but by the number of students who receive full scholarships, national honors, and later Nobel prizes.

Magnetic schools look like specialized schools for their subject matter. These schools offer a unique curriculum or approach to teaching. For example, "vocational magnet schools offer courses that can help students find jobs in a certain career field, some schools form partnerships with companies in the community to facilitate internships, and students receive expert guidance."

Selective schools are the third type of focus schools, and the organizational form is particularly clear, typically characterized by a wide range of programs. In order to meet the needs and interests of students studying here, it is necessary to constantly improve the standard model of the school, so that the space of change is larger and the scope of innovation is more extensive.

Catholic schools have a different focus than other types of schools: emphasizing continuous preparation for students to attend different universities, and developing students' personalities by setting an example and developing a range of values. The focus of Catholic schools today is far away from religion education compared to the past, and their education values are about respecting people and valuing community population and social justice.

The concept of "focus" includes, to some extent, various types of schools in the past. One can say this because these features of focus schools provide the perfect explanation for students' success.

Focus schools have two characteristics. One is planned. "the focus school has a clear and uncomplicated mission that focuses on the experiences the school intends to provide to its students and the ways in which it affects their performance, attitudes and behavior." Second, the organizational characteristics of school-based management such as decentralization, selectivity and promotion of teachers' autonomy. "Focus schools are a powerful organization that is capable of creative behavior in the pursuit of a mission, redoubling efforts to stay true to itself, solving their own problems, and dealing with their external relationships. Moreover, their salient features set their teachers in mind to distinguish their students and parents from other schools, each with a specific identification that encouraged loyalty and Shared commitment. They are in the broadest sense - the development of the entire student body - fully committed to education. They induce values, influence attitudes, and integrate diverse knowledge resources. They teach facts and skills, but they mostly try to turn teens into responsible, productive adults.

A particular type of focus is on course problems. "Focus schools have a variety of 'centripetal lessons' that lead all students to a common set of learning skills and attitudes. Focus schools focus all their efforts and energy on what students should be and what they should know. They have strong social agreements to communicate the responsibilities of managers, teachers and students. They make it clear to everyone what is useful for faithfully carrying out such a promise. They have a strong sense of responsibility for acting as parents and striving to shape students' attitudes and values. Students in focus schools also take regular courses in key subjects such as English foundation, reading, mathematics, social studies and science. Students acquire skills and knowledge that meet state standards for these subjects. In addition, students at focus schools have opportunities to delve into specific topics.

According to a recent study, although many high schools have career courses, 38 percent of national curricula emphasize course content, with math science engineering, computer science, anthropology, and most often multicultural research. A theme must be deep enough to include all school plans: course content and choices, teaching methods, activities, teaching plans, and even school organization. The more this subject can guide and cover school aspects, the more consistency it provides. The selection of topics in attractive theme schools ranges from offering only selective courses to integrating all teaching plans, which needs to be consistent with the theme.

Focus schools to enhance academic effectiveness and promote equity by enrolling students and teachers who share a common interest in a specialized education programme. Focus school advocates argue that students' interests, values, family strengths and ability levels can provide more practical guidance for student development programs and grouping. "There is no reason to believe that education needs of average or even poor students are any different from education needs of talented students. Nor is there any reason to believe that just because one young person has a common interest with another young person says they are just as smart." Therefore, it is students' common interests in drama, technology, or democratic life, rather than their different abilities, that are the basis of effective courses.

Given the country's commitment to fairness, schools focus on failing to separate students according to ethnicity, race, religion, gender or socioeconomic status. That said, schools that aim to attract talented and gifted students who perform well have faced increasing criticism. However, there are ways to prevent underprivileged or underperforming students from being excluded from focus schools. Minnesota's school choice law repeals a previous admissions guide based on student behavior. In montclair and New Jersey, although the label of talent and talent still exists, any family wishing to send a child to such a school can do so, assuming that all children are gifted. Another approach is the New York City approach, where a quarter of the student slots in semi-selective high schools are determined by lottery, even if those students do not meet the requirements.

The Underwood Hills Focus School, located at 9030 west ave., is the first joint School in the Douglas and sarpi Sarpy county School district for students from 11 School districts. The school has an exciting teaching concept and conducts in-depth research on everything from the curriculum to the school year program to help students achieve high achievements and develop their leadership through technology and communication. The school is made up of three Schools, Elkhorn Public Schools, Omaha Public Schools and Westside Community Schools. The school aims to create a diverse living environment for students, where they can learn cutting-edge technology courses. For this purpose, students learn formal academic subjects, as well as special instruction in leadership, technology and communication skills. The mission of the school is to use technology and communication to cultivate students' leadership, so that children can achieve all-round development and cultivate students' learning ability. This mission is the theme of this focused school. They believe in diversity of values; Personal development; Partnerships for families, schools and communities; The importance of relationships; Use effective teaching strategies and innovation. This belief will ensure that the school's students become leaders in thinking positively about society as a whole.

Students from any school within the Douglas and sapi county school district can apply to attend the school through a certain application process. The specific application process and detailed application information can be obtained from the school district's central office or the school's website. They require students in grades three, four or five in the 2008-2009 school year to be eligible for the focus school with approval from their home school district. If the number of students applying exceeds the school's capacity, the selection will be made by lottery.

The school has a small class size and has about 20:1 students. In addition, students in this school have the opportunity to extend their study time and benefit from it. The official school day is 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. All students are asked to leave until 5pm for organized activities that support core courses, enhance basic skills, provide multiple opportunities and enrich knowledge in focus areas. This additional teaching time is designed to meet the needs of students and ensure that students meet the basic standards.

To sum up, the focus of the schools in the United States is a special type of schools in the United States, including different school types, different types and have their own uniqueness, this to meet the needs of the education in the United States, also meet the basic requirement of different student groups, in the aspect of students' personality shaping and pay attention to all the students development worth our using for reference.


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