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Marx's theory of poverty

2019-12-17 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Marx's theory of poverty,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了马克思的贫困理论。贫困源于国家作为阶级统治工具的本质。马克思认为将政治理智作为突破口发掘贫困问题的根源是极其不正确的。政治理智的英国将贫困的存在归咎于无效的政府管理、人口正常社会现象和个人问题,这是极其幼稚的。马克思认为应看到国家的本质只是一个服务于资产阶级统治和阶级压迫的工具,资产阶级无节制地追求剩余价值的本性已经造就了贫困的物质条件。

Study and criticism of Marx in the capitalist society, on the basis of recognizing the nature of capital, reveals the root causes of poverty is the capitalist private ownership and under the system of the life of the people could not fundamentally out of poverty, life and capitalists equal, thus forming the theory of Marx's own a set of poverty.

Adam Smith pointed out that poor people who have nothing at least have the right to dispose of their own labor freely. They are easiest to sell their labor in the labor market to make a living, so as not to plunge themselves into extreme poverty. Smith concentrated on the key factor involved in worker poverty, the production and distribution of the products of labor.

Smith pointed out that workers' incomes were unfairly treated because of two factors that permeate each other: the different nature of the occupation and the coercive intervention of the government. In Smith's view, whether laborers with labor ownership can freely buy and sell their labor ownership is an important factor in alleviating or aggravating poverty. The poor are so poor that they have nothing but to sell their labor. If the government also hinders the free sale of labor rights, it will not help solve the problem of poverty, but will aggravate the situation and even worsen it.

Starting from the theory of "two series", malthus proposed his unique method to solve poverty. Malthus pointed out that the material life, but population growth is based on geometric series way, and the material in the form of arithmetic progression, it is clear that the rate of population growth much faster than the growth of material, in order to avoid later due to the growth of population and caused the shortage of material poverty, must through the government's mandatory or people consciously birth control to solve the unbalance and poverty.

Sith was first pointed out that the poor from the perspective of root causes of poverty are not due to the poor family lack of self-cultivation to unrestrained reasons such as the creator of the poor themselves poor, but the process of chasing the interests of the state itself to disregard the people's living conditions, receive the first claim sith countries should play a role of mediator to solve social problems, and points out that the poor can use its social straighten the national rights of improper use.

After meeting with the inhabitants of the mosel river, Marx found that they too were subject to legal oppression. Marx pointed out with indignation that the law also recognized the illegitimate and unreasonable demands of the bourgeoisie, and it had become the tool of the ruling class. The law was no longer a helper to safeguard the interests of the people, but a tool for the ruling class to maintain its rule and exploit the people, and it had no role or significance for the people. At this time, Marx had already doubted Hegel's philosophy of law, which ignored the historical role of the people and regarded the state as the supreme spirit, so he wrote the critique of Hegel's philosophy of law and the introduction to criticize his viewpoint.

At the beginning of his study of the theory of poverty, Marx connected poverty with class, private ownership and the state. Marx pointed out that the Prussian government was no less politically rational than the British government, but the problem of poverty was still not cured because the state was only a tool for the ruling class to safeguard its interests and rule, which he considered an "epidemic" of the modern state. Two gifted Allies, Marx and Engels, pointed out that only when private ownership was eliminated from society could people achieve their own salvation, regain their freedom and escape from poverty.

At the time of the creation of das kapital, Marx had already made a centralized connection between the problem of poverty and the capitalist mode of production. Through a large amount of data collation and realistic analysis, he pointed out that the state was essentially a tool controlled by capitalists, and neither of them paid any attention to the poverty of the proletariat. Under the shelter of the capitalist system, the capitalists wash the workers by ideology, so that the workers can not find any objection to the persecution of capitalists, lose the sense of resistance and motivation, thus achieving the control of the proletariat's body and mind.

Poverty stems from the nature of the state as an instrument of class domination. Marx thought it was wrong to use political reason as a breakthrough to explore the root causes of poverty. Politically sensible Britain is extremely naive to attribute the existence of poverty to ineffective government administration, normal social phenomena of population and personal problems. Marx believed that we should see that the nature of the state is only a tool to serve the rule and oppression of the bourgeoisie, whose unrestrained pursuit of surplus value has created the material conditions of poverty.

Marx believes that in operation under the control of private ownership society, the proletariat to recognize the value of my own things, in the capitalist private ownership, haze and bound by the existence of poverty has become and they were like peas and carrots, the proletariat to recognize both the oneself the deep-seated problems of poverty, is not the consciousness of the capitalist system, has become the object of the oppressed and enslaved in front of the capitalists, also want to get in front of the machine production the control of the machine. Therefore, Marx put forward the historical mission of eliminating private ownership and getting the proletariat out of poverty.

Marx believed that the distribution of products in capitalist society was rather abnormal and unequal. Most of the products in the society were occupied by capitalists, and laborers could only sell labor as products to capitalists if they wanted to obtain these daily necessities. The wealth created by the proletariat does not make them rich; instead, it leads to worsening living conditions and an increase in the depth of poverty. Thus, capitalism can only be exploited to find the key to proletarian poverty.

In the process of capitalist production, on the one hand, the value created to compensate the laborers' own value is created; on the other hand, the part of value that exceeds the value compensated for the labor force is occupied by the capitalists without compensation. The pursuit of the profit motive is endless, capitalists laborer's physical and mental health and survival and disregard, only know geared to obtain surplus value and excess surplus value, more and more surplus value production process, is also more and more applied to the process of laborer exploitation, which leads to the laborer the widening and deepening of poverty.

Capitalists put surplus value into the process of reproduction, making capital accumulation and expansion deepen continuously. Labor force is the source of surplus value. "the capitalization of surplus value is capital accumulation, surplus value is the source of capital accumulation, and capital accumulation is the source of capitalist expansion and reproduction".

The process of capitalist production includes simple and expanded reproduction. Work is not a simple reproduction of laborer poverty but expand reproduction, in the expansion of capitalism, the capitalist will free possession of the surplus value to buy production materials, equipment, etc, on the basis of the original, expand production scale, expansion of capitalism, capitalism expanded reproduction is also the process of capital accumulation. The gap between the rich and the poor grew wider and wider, dividing society into two classes, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

One is the practicality of ideology. Like any theory, ideology also comes out of practice. It is an internalized idea gradually formed by the ruling class in the long process of ruling. These ideas are unanimously agreed by the ruling bourgeoisie, and ideology is a huge theoretical system composed of many such ideas, which will gradually become the social credo internalized in the hearts of social members, shining the shadow of capitalist thought.

The other is ideological plasticity. The values that have been universally recognized in the bourgeoisie are packaged as social consciousness by the social "intellectuals", which wash the thoughts of social members through various ways and internalize them into the heart, so as to achieve the purpose of making the whole society operate under the control of the rulers. Through the haze of capitalist ideology, Marx found this to be an elaborate hoax, in this kind of ideology, the proletariat not only won't wake up, it will confusion among the people, and weaken the rebellion consciousness, the problem of the cause of the poor to personal moral or officials on such details like attitude problem.


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