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Freehand and digital painting

2019-11-01 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Freehand and digital painting,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了手绘与数码绘画。作为科技与艺术的产物,数码绘画为越来越多的人所熟知,因其高效便捷、画面效果突出,逐渐成为时代的宠儿。与之相对应的是手绘,在数码绘画的强烈冲击下,它保留着自己独特的灵气和质感,也因其创作过程中产生的偶然性效果,更为一部分人所喜爱。

As the product of technology and art, digital painting is known by more and more people. Due to its efficiency, convenience and outstanding picture effect, it has gradually become the favorite of The Times. In contrast, hand-drawing retains its unique aura and texture under the strong impact of digital painting. It is also favored by some people because of the accidental effect generated in its creation process.

Hand-painted works have a unique texture. Texture first comes from the creation plane. The shallow concave and convex texture of sketch paper, the rough texture of canvas and the soft and fine warp and weft of mature silk all bring us different feelings. Secondly, texture comes from brush touch, which is an important difference between freehand painting and digital painting. For example, the creation of oil painting, because of its good plasticity of pigment, especially reflects the texture. The blade is rhythmically daubed and piled up, the faint trace of the fan pen, the pigment is deeply and lightly integrated with the trend of the brush, and the pen tip is slightly lifted, leaving a nifty little tail on the picture. Brush strokes overlap, it silently records the artist's creative process and emotional progress.

Another characteristic of hand-drawing is randomness and contingency. Many artists return to hand-drawing after experimenting with digital painting, mainly because they miss the creative process of hand-drawing. The process of hand-painted creation is a process of exploration and "adventure", which gives the artist the passion to create. For example, Mr. Wong ai, an artist, has sought the unique expression of his works on the uneven spread of plastic alum water. The paper uncertainty makes the creation with contingency and randomness, but also contains unexpected picture effect. His work depicts a woman sitting sideways in clear water, surrounded by fish. Appreciate the work silently, can notice the small water stain of different size in the picture, exquisite and vivid and have lasting appeal. The artist said: these small water stains seem to be intentional but not intentional. In the process of creation, the ink was covered with layers of dye, resulting in the phenomenon of alum leakage in cooked xuan. It is difficult to adhere to the pigment where the alum seeps, resulting in different depths of effect, just like small bubbles floating in the water. And it is the contingency of hand-painted creation that makes the work unique.

Hand-drawing pays attention to aura and verve. As early as in the southern dynasty (qi dynasty), six painting methods were put forward in the ancient painting catalogue written by shaieh. As the first method, they were also the highest standard. Hand-painted works often have a "spirit" that transcends digital paintings.

The collision between art and technology has produced a dazzling spark -- digital painting. It follows the rhythm of technology and listens to the rhythm of The Times. In some respects, it has its own unique artistic charm and presents visual effects different from hand-painted ones. Cool, fashionable, surrealistic, dreamlike most suitable to describe the performance style of digital painting, it USES the powerful processing function of the computer, to show a new art world.

Digital painting has the characteristics of precision, but it is also a double-edged sword. People marvel at its convenience and accuracy, but its fearsome accuracy scares the viewer. Every image we open on the screen is made up of pixels. Countless colors are filled into small squares of pixels. They stay in their own squares, with clear boundaries that do not overflow a little, and do not allow other colors to occupy their position. Clever experts even set numerical values for each color, and through the superposition of color channels, endless colors are neatly and uniformly defined, which apparently solves the trouble of mixing by hand with a palette, but also means that the rich color changes that color brings to each other when it is not cooked are lost. William valentine Baxter said: when computer painting tools are filled with inhuman digital precision, chance is gone. By contrast, the materials and tools used by artists are varied and the effects presented are complex. The tip of the brush is made up of thousands of hairs, each of which has the ability to move independently. In addition, digital artists use computer intelligent easily draw out the "circle" and "line", must not draw a circle to its radius length is differ, draw a line it must not be crooked, this kind of "precise" has reached the acme has also lost the most natural feeling, lost images. We see a calm engineer through neat graphics, who holds a scale and operates a calculator, drawing a picture full of order, tension and pressure. And in fact, circle is not perfect circle has its special aesthetic feeling, people is more willing to be close to the line of natural freehand draw, although they cannot avoid thickness differ this does not concern, just such ability is nifty and lovely, more move a person's heart.

When we compare hand-drawn and digital paintings, we find that digital paintings are too rational and mechanical. Artist kirkshott says all the computer painting programs he's used have taken the actual process of painting too literally and collated the opinions of artists as being too sterile. Just imagine that there is no trace of modification and brush strokes flying in the evenly daub color block. Just imagine that there is no flying white or water stain in the picture. Is such a picture too hard and cold? Hand-drawing, with its unique texture, clever charm and occasional visual effects, has become increasingly precious. It is irreplaceable, warming the lonely people in the cold city, surprising them, making them hug and touch.

In a word, in this era of rapid development of technology, hand-drawing will not be drowned in the torrent of digital painting, it will continue to retain the sensibility, personality and aura of the work.


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