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Toxic waste problem discussion

2020-05-26 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Report范文


下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文-Toxic waste problem discussion。本文讲述随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的资源被消耗掉,造成了无数的浪费。根据《中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设公告》,全国共有849个废物处理设施,其中676个卫生垃圾填埋场处理了约1.029亿吨,在660个建制城市中处理了1.589亿吨。 2010年9月下旬(中国建设银行函[2010] 158号)。从以上统计数据可以看出,垃圾填埋仍是目前中国垃圾的基本处理方法。


With the development of living standard, more resources have been taken for consumption and caused countless waste. On the basis of the announcement of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, there were 849 waste disposal facilities, which had 676 sanitary landfill sites processing about 102.9 million tons, processing over 145.89 million tons in 660 formed city by the end of September 2010 (City Construction Office Letter of China, [2010] No.158,). As we can see from the statistics above, landfilling is still the basic treatment of waste at present in China.

Therefore, more and more experts consider that toxic waste landfill can be one of the most terrible pollution in China. In the first place, they believe that burying waste underground without classifying pollute land resources. In their opinions, some developing countries, including China, may take large amounts of waste from western nations and break them down or dispose of them, often with little regard for safety or pollution, and there are certain kinds of toxic waste, such as polyurethane and polyisoprene, can never be decomposed by nature. The electronic trash is also one of toxic waste with harmful chemical. From statistic provided by Greenpeace institute, toxic chemical emission without sorting create chemical dust and pollute not only shallow soil but also submerged soil resources. It is an irreversible pollution to nature, and for the sake of younger generations’ safety and health, people cannot rebuild buildings or facilities on those landfill area any more. What is more, with the improvement of living standards, there is fewer and fewer land resources left for living. As a result, landfill facilities occupied large percentage of land resources can be a great obstruction to social development.

In the second place, experts insist when garbage has to bury to the ground, percolate must be taken into great consideration in every procedure. Otherwise, toxic landfills can pollute underground water resources. Landfill leachate means the sewage filtered out from the garbage during its stacking and landfill through fermentation, the washing of rainwater or the soaking of surface water and groundwater. In other words, landfill leachate is the source of pollution in waste buries process. Since landfills are most often located in and around cities, the compounds submerge to the ground as well as underground water, and let the pollution can go undetected. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to measure how much sewage and industrial waste end up in our oceans.

In the third place, some experts argue that landfilling can also create air pollution. They point out that some local waste treatment facilities spray heavy pesticides and even accelerate speed of using it so as to eliminate stench without considering consequences. In addition, an outdoor landfill area effect environment with stinks and flies. Poor air quality surrounding people will persecutes and lower the quality of life living around. On the other hand, the interior facilities produce marsh gas easily. Those experts insist that methane gas, which is naturally produced during the process of decay of organic matter, can be the biggest pollution of landfill, and cause not only air pollution but also tremendous harm to human body. From my Junior chemical lessons we have learned that burying quantity of rubbishes can produce methane gas, which is harmful to people’s health in some degree and can contribute more greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide as well. It is a common acknowledge around many developed cities that landfill areas are certain facilities to create plenty of methane gas. Besides, marsh gases are inflammable gases and can cause conflagration by accident. In conclusion, from experts’ point of view that solid waste landfill is not the best way to deal with countless municipal waste, because it occupied lots of precious resources and pollute environment disposable.

However, in my opinion, landfilling can create less pollution as long as all the processes are under control. First of all, Chinese government has already set up restrictive policy to manage and control toxic waste by establishing fundamental system of classifying waste. For example, the management of waste classification and standards of specification of landfill site facilities are establishing in 2008 (“Standard for pollution control on landfill”, for Hazardous Wastes, 2001-12-28 GB 18598--2001, & for Municipal Solid Waste, 2008-04-02 No.5). It means that we can fix and control such environmental problem by normalized process and political power. Additionally, Chinese government set up 10 cities as pilot cities with efficient as well as fundamental waste classification system. It can be an effective method to decrease land pollution with less toxic waste bury into ground. What is more, the Chinese government can draw on the experience of South Korea. They have built up a good method to control landfill area and focus on the sustained development with the green ecological idea. It is an useful approach to reduce pollution of land resources and shallow water resources.

    Hereby, I am going to introduce the model of South Korean landfill governance. The Seoul city landfill is not a world-class size landfill area. However, the newest technique and concept makes it a successful world model of landfill. The key point in Seoul city landfill is the elaborate system and environmental facilities. Its experience shows that the most important thing is to segregate collection. Once the government encourage citizens to separate garbage, the new polices are announced and strict legislation are passed to ensure the system for sorting waste. Those non-biodegradable litters can be separate and process in result. The second step is to establish a meticulous and scientific transportation management system, because one weak link in the chain can negate many of the advantages that innovation offers. The transportation should be carefully selected in order to reduce pollution in transit. The third step is to disinfect rubbish and every transport in fine details. Destroying odor, removing humidity and sterilizing can be very useful to prevent leakage of pollution in the process. Last but not the least, when garbage has to bury to the ground, percolate must be taken into great consideration in every procedure during landfill process. In order to better address and improve these problems, the Seoul city landfill area lays 0.75meters thick layer to prevent secondary pollution effectively. By these processes, a scientific and practical method is established for any landfill project.

Continuing to discuss the importance of different approach on managing municipal landfill. The most importantly, an indoor landfill facility can not only offer marsh gases as renewable sources of energy, but also provide reused land resources as sustainable scientific projects. If we can manage to reduce the harm of toxic landfill, then we can save more land resources for our next generation. By scientific management, we can rent out those safe, old and disused landfills for scientific research or personal use. This scheme can be launched by government and set the rent price as low as possible. Maybe it could not be a profitable business because of the bad condition around the landfill. But it could provide another way to reuse land resources and, at least, those disused landfills are not left unused. On the other hand, a waste treatment facility with perfect sewage disposal and blow down recycling can also be rebuilt as a sustainable energy production plant, which has not air pollution to environment.

Of course, it may still sounds like an ideal plan and it could be hard to put into use. Although the execution will be affected by different national conditions, for instance, social environment, nation’s economic budget and domestic culture, landfill still can be a useful way to reduce waste in cities in China. The more we learn from advanced experience, the more we can get in waste disposal process. By rising the level of waste disposal technology and facilities can easily identify those toxic waste and insulate them from the beginning of process, which is an effective way to reduce toxic materials go in landfill. Moreover, land resources using for landfill can be reused with less toxic waste and it is helpful to control city’s land. Last but not the least, once the fundamental system and law of waste classification is established, people would do everything by rules. If someone tries to disobey the rules, he or she will be punished by law and moral criticism. I wish it won’t happen and I trust so. After all, I also believed that no one is willing to see or can bear with any hazardous waste show up in the front of their home and pollute their surroundings. And no one would want their children to grow up in a toxic environment. From this perspective, landfill could be not a significant problem of environmental pollution in China because we have found a way to fix it. The rest is to make it happen.

That is my opinion for toxic waste disposal in China by finding current research status, existing problems and absorbing the advanced foreign experience in this field.










Works Cited

Beijing Municipal Commission of City Administration and Environment, The enlightenment and thinking about waste disposal in Seoul City, City management and technology 2009 No.3;

Daniel Rosenberg, Some Things Never Change: The Chemical Industry Still Opposes Real Safe Chemicals Legislation, Curbing Pollution, Environmental Justice, Health and the Environment, The Media and the Environment, U.S. Law and Policy, April 26,2013;


Landfill Problem, WE GREEN-USA one footprint at a time, http://www.wegreen-usa.org/landfill-problems.html

Toxic Tech——Chemicals in Electronics, Greenpeace East Asian, 2005-05-23       http://www.greenpeace.org/eastasia/publications/reports/toxics/2005/toxic-tech-chemicals-in-elec/

Standard for pollution control on the security landfill site for hazardous wastes, published by general Administration of Quality Super-vision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China(AQSIQ) and China Association of Environmental Protection Industry9CAEPI), 2001-12-28 GB 18598--2001;

Standard for pollution control on the landfill site of municipal solid waste, published by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China(AQSIQ) and China Association of Environmental Protection Industry(CAEPI), 2008-04-02 No.5;

关于20109月全国城镇生活垃圾处理设施在建项目进展情况的通报,中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部城市建设司,City Construction Office Letter of China[2010] No.158000013338200-00449;






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