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Toronto Graffiti should be considered more as Graffiti Vandalism or Graffiti Art

2020-05-18 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: 更多范文


下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文-Toronto Graffiti should be considered more as Graffiti Vandalism or Graffiti Art。多伦多的涂鸦运动始于20世纪80年代末,一直持续到90年代,涂鸦管理计划不仅对涂鸦破坏行为提供控制,而且还对街头艺术提供豁免保护。涂鸦研究注意到涂鸦的活动性,地域主义与艺术有着截然相反的地位。大约20年前,壁画是可以接受的,但标记被称为破坏。今天,艺术教育探索了涂鸦的各种新点,如彩色涂鸦,重新设计和组成涂鸦。多伦多有一个官方的涂鸦管理计划,城市工作人员将清除对城市拥有的建筑物、天桥、墙壁和公共公园的涂鸦破坏行为。

             Toronto’s graffiti movement began in the late 1980s and all throughout the 1990s, and Graffiti Management Program not only provides control on graffiti vandalism but also protects street art with exemptions. The research on graffiti studies noticed the activity of graffiti, and territorialism had opposite positions to art. About two decades ago, the murals were acceptable, but tagging was called vandalism.[ Tracey E, Bowen, “Graffiti art: A contemporary study of Toronto artists,” Scholarly Journals 41(1999): 22.] Today, art education explores a variety of new points about graffiti, like colourful graffiti, re-design and composition in graffiti. Toronto has an official Graffiti Management Plan, and the City staff will remove graffiti vandalism on City-owned buildings, overpasses, walls and public parks.[  City of Toronto, “Graffiti Management Plan”, accessed March 11, 2009.

http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=e667a37fa9922410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD&vgnextchannel=6b8d2412f4422410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD] Similarly, the entire Toronto community has the duty to keep the city clean. Graffiti art in Toronto could attract visitors to understand the street culture in Toronto. Many people believed that Toronto graffiti is considered as vandalism rather than art to the government, but there are significant numbers of excellent graffiti art that decorate our streets.

              Graffiti vandalism has become a public concern, a significant number of people want to keep city of Toronto beautiful and clean. Graffiti vandalism means make graphs without owner’s permission. Sometimes this graffiti would be considered as a tag, which could be written easily and in a single color. People generally believe that it may include violence against any individual, group or impolite language. According to Fernando Aceto, a co-ordinator with municipal licensing and standards for the city of Toronto, argues  “graffiti should be taken off a building as soon as you notice it”.[  Alwynne, Gwilt,  “Toronto's graffiti tag-of-war; A bylaw requiring graffiti-free buildings has meant big business for removal services, but has artists worried they'll run out of legal places to draw.” Toronto Star, July 22, 2003,accessed November 26, 2014. http://alturl.com/zi9pj.]   In other words, Graffiti Management Plan mentioned that if you find graffiti vandalism, you have responsibility to remove it. Graffiti vandalism creates negative effects to society, for example, graffiti vandalism emerge a community to risks of health, safety and welfare.[ City of Toronto, “Graffiti Management Plan.”] Graffiti Management Plan in the city of Toronto reports that the graffiti artists would prefer to draw in prohibited spaces rather than places where graffiti is permitted. [ City of Toronto,  “Graffiti Management Plan.”]

              Graffiti is not only about street culture, but also graffiti art. Graffiti art could beautify the streets and make the city of Toronto become more alive, colorful and energetic. Graffiti art is defined as markings made that are approved by the property owner, and have a regard for the community character and standards.[ City of Toronto,  “Graffiti Management Plan.”] Gwilt explains that there is a mural done by a community centre at Yonge and Dundas Square for live graffiti performances.[  Gwilt,  “Toronto's graffiti tag-of-war.”] Additionally, Queen Street West alleyways between Spadina Ave and Portland Street have graffiti murals, and these artworks are different from the tagging.[ Gwilt, “Toronto's graffiti tag-of-war.” ] When you feel lonely, there has the “HUG ME” tree keep company with you. Graffiti vandalism forces government to make a good effort to remove graffiti, but the government cannot make the fantastic art murals disappeared at the same time. Bowen mentions that a director first described the graffiti motivation as “a place to draw their stories”; including making the graffiti murals become more acceptable for city’s decoration.[ Bowen, “Graffiti Art.”]  

              Graffiti art is a self-expression by artists. Graffiti artists can deliver their feelings through graffiti to people in the community, the underlying expression from graffiti could be about self-feelings, social concerns, political points or world issues. Good works should be valued, and great works should be treasured. Graffiti arts attract tourists who want to see the wonderful art murals covered buildings.[. Kate, Pocock.  “Toronto’s Street Art.” Toronto. Accessed November 26th, 2014. http://www.seetorontonow.com/mytoronto/torontos-street-art/] Banksy describes a mural on Kensington Market or Chinatown Toronto, which is one of the best street graffiti art on earth.[ Pocock.  “Toronto’s Street Art.”] Beyond this, Pocock talks about “a city without a creative class is a dead city, and some artist wants to use painting express themselves instead of say I was here.”[ Pocock.  “Toronto’s Street Art.”] Jason Kucherawy describes “Graffiti art is evidence of a vibrant and it adds colour to make the street more creative.”[ Pocock.  “Toronto’s Street Art.”]  Pro-active city program have aims to develop, support, increase awareness of street art and adding beauty our neighborhoods’. Even thought there is a controversial question about what is graffiti art or graffiti vandalism, the city would like to have more art to build a vibrant and hopeful society. On the city of Toronto website, under Graffiti Management plan, there is a new by-law regarding exemptions for graffiti to show respects to the artists and their works.[ City of Toronto, “Graffiti Art/Art Mural Exemption.”] According to “City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 485, Graffiti art/art mural exemption”, graffiti has a new Graffiti Management Plan that includes an acceptable form of street art.[ City of Toronto, “Graffiti Art/Art Mural Exemption.”] Graffiti allows graffiti art if they have owner’s permission, and it should be good quality and standards. Graffiti art mural exemption mentions that if you believe one of the graffiti should be considered as graffiti art, you can make a request and it would be noticed by City Clerk's Office.[ City of Toronto, “Graffiti Art/Art Mural Exemption]

              Graffiti vandalism has negative influences to our society, but graffiti art could make an effort to decorate the wall and beautify the streets. Graffiti arts painting are difficult than graffiti vandalism; because graffiti vandalism could be write down in a short time with violent symbols. Toronto has a considerable number of artworks and graffiti, and graffiti art have positive effect on both spread street culture and attract city tourism. Even though people would rather have attractive street mural than tag filled alleyways, they have to understand the difference between graffiti as art and vandalism. If Toronto graffiti must ban graffiti vandalism, which has tagging represent the act of vandalism, Toronto government could have a Graffiti Art/Art Mural Exemption law to protect the colorful murals.



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