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Personal Moral Compass

2021-10-11 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文


Personal Moral Compass

Moral compass can be considered as a foundation for personal integrity and social conscience, which provides a guiding role for people’s behavior in lives. With innocence and inexperience, we only have several years to spend in our live. In this process, it is inevitable for us to conduct personal behavior which are contrary to morality. With the accumulation of experience and the cultivation of moral code, we are likely to do more “good” things and get away from those “bad” behavior. According to Lindsay J. Thompson, “the global moral compass” is viewed as “a leadership tool for managing moral complexity in a globalized business culture”. The significance of moral compass is to give the right instructions for us, guiding us to “the true north of morality” in human values.


As far as I am concerned, moral compass should firstly be adopted by individuals while conducting behavior. On basis of consistent agreement of moral compass, it can be promoted worldwide. On the other hand, both personal and worldwide moral compass aim to give a ration instruction in conducting behavior, which is closely related to Wisdom Traditions. Lindsay J. Thompson explains that “wisdom tradition” is used to indicate the “received traditions of social context shaping the individual moral compass that defines personal values and orients conscience toward understanding and practice of Good and the Right”. Personally, I have been familiar with Taoism since an early age. Lao Zi, the founder of Taoism, takes Taoism as the key point of his doctrine. I would like to share some of my understanding of his Taoism in this article. Everyone has a private desire, and in the face of private desire, we are supposed to make self reflections in the first place. Then, we are believed to achieve Taoism by being aware of ourselves, being self mastered and having contentment. All things in the world go naturally. The function of Taoism is to fulfill the operation of everything. People are supposed to develop naturally as well, with no intelligence, no ignorance, no desire, no selfness for reaching the highest level of Taoism. However, with the rapid development of modern science and technology, economic industries and living standards for people have been significantly improved as well. With the fulfillment of people’s material live, however, the spiritual world shows a tendency with more and more emptiness. People are seriously challenged by morality, many of whom break the bottom line of morality and only aim for the pursuit of power, material, money and honor. In this situation, what can people do and what kind of Wisdom Traditions should be followed to change the situation? I have my own question about the Wisdom Tradition in this sense. The age has significantly changed when compared to the Taoism period. During that period, Taoism was acceptable. In this era with rapid development in economy and living standard, it is still appropriate for people to pursue nothing. How can everything progress if people pursue nothing but Taoism?


In terms of my vision of good life, I think responsibility is an ideal state for my life. Responsibility is a kind of state of mind and a kind of attitude towards life. The movie Schindler’s List tells a story about responsibility. The German entrepreneurs in this movie sacrificed their property for protecting more than one thousand Jews from being killed. In modern society, under the pressure of survival and the package of layers of desire, it is not easy for a single person to develop a responsible attitude for everything. But there are methods to achieve this in fact. As long as I can maintain a good, forthright, sincere and magnanimous mind and develop a ration attitude towards private desire, I would take full of all advantages to be a responsible person in life and future career.


I am guided by a series of principles and rules as my moral code, which play a motivating role for me to achieve my moral vision. The most important principles of my moral code come from Confucius, “the essence of benefit lies in virtue and righteousness”. Taking the businessmen in the new era for instance, they are experiencing a period from merely economic business man to a responsible social man. As successful representatives in the new era, they show higher standards in morality. With accumulation of property, they also focus on accumulating knowledge, promoting realm, and improving responsibility sense. Many of the businessmen have gone through the struggling and changing fate period, after which they have begun to rethink the relationship with stakeholders, including the public, society, government and so on. They are thinking about the responsibility of society, government as especially the individuals. They are gradually aware that an enterprise should not only pursue the maximization of profit, but to establish its own moral orientation and to shoulder social responsibility. In this way, it helps to make good business reputation and set up the positive public image.


In order to become a responsible person in the near future, I believe there are available practices for my moral fitness. In the first place, I can learn some lessons for the responsible representatives in society. The greatest business men Buffett and Bill Gates both give huge donations to society, taking social responsibilities actively. I would take them as my model and learn from them to take more social responsibilities within my ability. Then, I would take responsibilities starting from family situation. I think caring for family members is an important aspect of responsibility. A person who is indifferent to family members would refuse to care for other social members, making responsibility meaningless. I can do many things to take responsibilities in my family. For instance, keeping close contact with them shows my love. Remembering to buy the things they need shows my carefulness. My responsibility can be developed through these process. Gradually, my vision of responsibility can be achieved.


For morality, I used to be challenged while I was in a school association. I was responsible for organizing a speech contest during that period. There was a precious internship opportunity in my favorite company before the speech contest. I used to apply for internship opportunity in this company but I was refused. But this time, I was going to the final interview. After serious consideration, I transferred the speech contest organization work to one of my partners, a person with excellent skills. I tries to tell him everything of the contest and I also wrote some memos for his convenience. However, after the contest, I learned something from him. Being the major organizer, I develop good relationship with many participants and helped them practice speech skills. My decision had influenced some participants’ mood and activeness. Nowadays, I think I fail to be responsible for the speech contest for some private concerns. Given another chance, I would pay attention to participants’ mind, try to spend more time helping them and encouraging them. I have learned the meaning of responsibility. It not only refers to finish a task. Taking all related factors and members into consideration and adopt actions are important.


Drawing from the wisdom of personal moral compass, I evasion that human values would play a significant role after I turn to a business leader. Moral compass would guide me to think more about different factors and promote me to be a real responsible businessman in society.


I have a main take-away from this assignment. I want to have moral compass that can give me proper guidance in my work. Wisdom Traditions can be the foundations to develop personal moral compass. “Morality is actualized in the experience of real problems, dilemmas, and conflicts that need to be resolved”. Thus I would find ways and gain experience for dealing with business problems with the help pf moral compass.



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