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Measures after Portuguese occupation of Brazil

2020-05-20 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Paper范文



Measures after Portuguese occupation of Brazil

Initially in 1500 the earliest Portuguese sailors were appointed by King of Portugal to conquer India and to monopoly spice trade. And they accidentally discovered Brazil, explored the coast and expected it to be the transfer station of the fleets sailing to India, ignoring its interior resources and assuming Brazil as an island. Portugal’s king announced that Brazil was owned by Portugal because Portugal must expand outward through sailing to solve the domestic economic and social problems.

In the first few decades of Portuguese occupation on Brazil, the main economic activity was the exploitation of the Brazilian wood. Later, in order to prevent the invasion of other countries into Brazil, Portugal began to organize immigrants to move to Brazil, bringing the seeds of sugar cane and some slaves with them. Portugal royal family gave the immigrants Sesmaria and as immigrants continued to increase and the scope of cultivation expanded, the slave labor-based sugar cane plantation was gradually produced, using slaves to work in sugar plantation. The strengths include Huge wealth and economic development, the appearance of typical classes plant owners, slaves and tenants, new developed cities of Brazil resulting from the expansion of sugar cultivation and etc,. The weaknesses are mainly the exploitation on Brazilians and the evil slave trade behind.

Sugar cane plantation and production required a large number of labor. The colonists had used violence to force native Brazilians to work, causing much death and flight and exacerbating the Brazilian social labor shortage. Since the early introduction and training of African slaves in Portugal, planters soon took Africa as the most likely source of labor. Also Angola opened up the trade traffic.

The ideological consequences of these conditions were frequent and close cultural and custom exchanges, condemnation of the unethical slavery of blacks and the later rebellion movement of black slaves.

In 1695bandeirantes found gold in Minas Gerais. Bandeirantes refers to the armed expeditions composed of São Paulo people who sought treasure in the mountains and searched for slaves for the sugarcane plantation owners. They unexpectedly found gold in Minas Gerais, which then set off the gold heat to attract people from all over the country and abroad. The sugar competition with the Caribbean European colonies plunged Brazil's sugar economy into a panic, and gold discovery and gold mining opened a new round of Brazilian production cycles, which was the relationship of the interior mining to the coast plantation agriculture. Both of them were typical colonial economy too dependent on foreign market needs which means the external demand determined the colonial prosperity. But the per capita income from the zones of plantation agriculture along the coast is much higher than the per capita income of the mining communities. Both their development were stuck on the surface, but the plantation agriculture was equipped with at least machine, technology, transportation, plantation system and process while the technology, equipment and process were backward for mining.

The gold rush began from late 17th century and Minas Gerais was its epicenter. Compared with São Paulo, Cuiaba, Mato Grosso and other cities, as the influx of people and the rise of the city, Minas Gerais developed into a city society, where a small group of senior officials and successful miners and businessmen dressed, decorating their houses with European luxury goods and watching the show in the local theaters.

Antônio Francisco Lisboa was an excellent Brazilian artist who lived and worked in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. He developed a powerful artistic language – sculpture and architecture blend masterfully in his work. Ouro Preto was one of the important mining towns of that time with rich buildings and colorful cultural life with many painters, composers and poets, developing a small city with modern features filled with art atmosphere.

Portuguese colonists lack mining knowledge and technology to accumulate much wealth from underground mining. Portugal's own economic independence is reduced, depending on the UK. In the Portuguese Empire, the influx of gold led to rising prices, the miners were obviously at all to buy slaves, agricultural products and European products, therefore the inflation threatened the imperial economy. We could say gold did not let the Portuguese become rich and otherwise exacerbated their poverty.

Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello was an 18th-century Portuguese statesman once served as Secretary of the State of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom. He focused both on Brazilian colonies and Portugal by putting forward a series of state policies called Pombaline Reforms such as streamlining the administration of colonial Brazil and fiscal and economic reforms.

Inconfidência Mineira was an unsuccessful Brazilian separatist movement in 1789 leaded by the white upper class of minerals-rich. We could find that after a period of accumulation of wealth and cultural integration and under the influence of liberalism, Brazil by the late 18th century also sought to build a democratic and free society, rather than rule and the system of exploitation. Despite the failure, we saw the faint signs of modernization in Brazil in the 18th century.


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