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Us trade protection

2019-07-09 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Us trade protection,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的贸易保护。美国自遭受金融危机以来,经济下滑,美国的宏观经济政策正在转型,其中突出的一点就是从依赖消费转向增加出口。因此加深了美国更加倾向贸易保护的政策。首先,美国政府使用不违反WTO规则的贸易救济手段来实施贸易保护政策。一方面倡导绿色经济,为其国内经济寻找新的增长点;另一方面影响其他国家的制造业在国际领域的地位,实行隐蔽和更具挑战性的贸易保护手段。其次,政府加大力度鼓励出口。最后,使用了弱势美元的货币政策,通过宽松的货币政策和财政政策加强美国在国际市场上的竞争力。

trade protection,美国贸易保护,essay代写,paper代写,作业代写

With the rapid development of world economy, international trade is booming in China, but the resulting trade friction also gradually increased, especially since the financial crisis, a sharp contraction of global trade, trade protectionism is blustery, particularly in the United States and some other western countries to China's recent trade protection measures are introduced. America's rising trade protectionism, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard measures, such as the means of international trade protection has become the economic development of our country in the process of a "war of no gunpowder smoke", the two countries very adverse effects of economic and trade development, has become a limiting factor of economic development in China, the trade friction between China and the United States is increasing.

Trade protectionism refers to the proposition and policy of restricting import in foreign trade to protect domestic products from foreign competition in the domestic market and providing various preferences to domestic products to enhance their international competitiveness. At present, some countries carry out trade protection mainly through tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers. The former is to prevent other countries' commodities from entering the domestic market and raise the tariff of that commodity, while the latter mainly restricts foreign commodities from entering the domestic market with import license and import quota.

In the future, trade protection will continue to be the trade policy of all countries, including developed and developing countries. In the future, there will be more new trade protection measures and more trade organizations. At present, the economic development of all countries is increasingly dependent on the international market, which has become an indispensable resource in the economic development of all countries. It is foreseeable that in the longer term ahead, seeking and occupying new markets will continue to be the focus of competition among economic forces. From the perspective of china-us trade development, the us needs to further open the Chinese market in energy, capital, aviation, communications and other fields. However, China cannot fully open its domestic market in order to protect some domestic immature industries, so conflicts between China and the us on market issues are inevitable.

Since the financial crisis, the economy of the United States has been declining. The macroeconomic policy of the United States is undergoing a transformation. So it deepens America's more protectionist policy. First, the us government USES trade remedies that do not violate WTO rules to implement trade protection policies. On the one hand, it advocates green economy and seeks new growth points for its domestic economy. On the other hand, it affects the status of manufacturing industry in other countries in the international field, and implements covert and more challenging trade protection means. Second, the government has stepped up efforts to encourage exports. Finally, the weak dollar monetary policy was used to strengthen the competitiveness of the United States in the international market through loose monetary and fiscal policies.

The direct reason why the United States implements trade protection to other countries is the huge trade gap between China and the United States. The U.S. trade deficit with China continues to grow, reaching $737.2 billion in 2011. As the world's largest exporter, China is a natural target for us trade protection. The flood of domestic trade protectionism in the United States is also one of the main reasons for the implementation of trade protection. The foreign trade policy of the United States has two sides, namely, carrying out trade liberalization in export trade, insisting on import trade protectionism and implementing the so-called "fair trade". Manufacturing the problem of high Labour costs led to the lack of competitiveness in the world market in the United States, should be from such countries have comparative advantages should be imported to China to save resources, improve the level of benefits, but the influx of cheap Chinese products to belong to the labor-intensive industries in the United States has brought the huge impact, turned to the government for help, to promote the spread of trade protectionism, adding to the trade friction between China and the United States.

With the growth of China's economy and the enhancement of its comprehensive national strength, China has become a great and powerful country in the world economy and trade, which seriously threatens the status of the United States as a great power. Trade conflicts between China and the United States are inevitable, and unregulated free trade will only accelerate the speed of China becoming a great power or even surpassing the United States. Therefore, the rapid rise of China and the strategic measures taken by the United States against China are also important reasons for the United States to implement trade protectionism against China.

China's export commodity market also has many problems: export commodity centralization; Export markets are too concentrated; Low price competition is serious; Enterprise intellectual property awareness is weak; the large number of cheap labor in the market is the reason for the implementation of trade protection.

The direct impact of trade protection on China's export trade is reflected in the export quantity. The United States carries out double-reverse investigation or levies high punitive tariffs on China's tire, oil well pipe and other products, resulting in a sharp decline in the order quantity of products of export enterprises and a substantial reduction in sales volume, which seriously affects the production and operation of Chinese enterprises.

The United States require that the ecological and environmental factors such as considering the production and so on each link, it will inevitably increase the production cost of products, which makes the market appeared on the market demand, market access, labor costs increased, raw materials prices, the appreciation of the renminbi and a series of unfavorable factors, China's exports suffered huge challenges.

The prevalence of new trade protectionism makes it more difficult for Chinese enterprises to exploit the international market and worsens the external environment for the development of China's foreign trade.

With the increasing competitiveness of our products in the international market, Chinese enterprises often encounter the restrictions of anti-dumping, countervailing, various safeguard measures and trade barriers, and many domestic enterprises have suffered huge losses, trade friction has entered a period of high incidence. With the increasing trade friction, China's external economic risks began to penetrate into the macro level. Overall, the huge trade surplus between China and the United States has become an important factor affecting the political and economic relations between China and the United States.

Trade protection has caused substantial damage to our industrial structure. In capital-technology-intensive manufacturing industries such as household appliances, electronic information, automobiles and equipment manufacturing, China's export to developed countries will gradually increase, which will impact the existing industries in developed countries. The chances of these countries protecting these industries are greatly increased. In the strategic emerging industries, the competitive relationship between China and developed countries is also gradually formed. Therefore, developed countries will take various trade protection measures against our country.

Developed countries begin and frequently use countervailing measures will cause greater restrictions on China's economic control measures. Countervailing investigation is more harmful than anti-dumping investigation. From the perspective of industries involved, countervailing investigation is more extensive and will involve all industries. From the perspective of the subjects involved, what is investigated is the government's behavior. If anti-dumping only causes economic losses to China, countervailing has more political significance, because the control and intervention of one country's government in the economy will be indirectly interfered by other countries. Therefore, our government's means of economic regulation will be greatly limited.

Against this backdrop of global trade protectionism, countries should work together and strengthen cooperation. China should fulfill the responsibility of a big power, oppose trade protectionism, and actively adjust the direction of the trade, attaches great importance to the regional economic cooperation, strengthen cooperation with neighboring countries, coordination of national economic and trade policies, actively carry out other than the U.S. export trade market, expand the international market, our country should gradually improve the trade imbalance between China and the United States, actively expand domestic demand, our country should consider more for export market diversification, positive attention to emerging markets. Promote the rationalization and diversification of export regional structure to provide a reliable basis for China's stable economic growth.

In the face of the constantly changing international environment, China should actively adjust the strategy and direction of foreign trade development, establish foreign trade policy system, strengthen the position and role of foreign trade in China's overall economy, improve the competitiveness and innovation ability of Chinese enterprises and industrial technology, especially high-tech industry. On this basis, based on the scientific concept of development, accelerate the transformation of foreign trade growth mode. We will make comprehensive use of diplomatic, political and economic means to actively deal with trade frictions, coordinate the interests of various countries and trade conflicts, and create a favorable international environment for the development of China's foreign trade.

As a WTO member, China should actively use WTO rules to control trade protectionism, strengthen the coordination between China and the United States, participate in multilateral trade adjudication, make use of effective multilateral trade constraints and resist new trade protection, promote trade liberalization, and strive to have a good international trade environment!


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