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北美作业代写:University law education

2018-07-16 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- University law education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了高校法制教育。高校法制教育,就是对非法学专业的在校大学生进行的法律的基本知识与理论的教育。大学生法制教育是德育的重要组成部分,是提高大学生素质的要求,也利于法治社会的发展。但是,如今高校中仍有不少大学生会上当受骗,造成权益受损,有的甚至走上了违法犯罪的道路,由此,高校法制教育必须得到重视。

University law education,高校法制教育,essay代写,paper代写,作业代写

University legal system education mainly refers to the basic knowledge and theory of law of university students majoring in illegal science. Education, an important part of moral education, is the requirement to improve the quality of college students and promote the development of the spirit of social rule of law. But, at present, there are still a lot of college students in colleges and universities is deceived, rights and interests is damaged, or even on the path of the illegal crime, therefore, must be the legal system education in colleges and universities of our country to review.

The connotation of legal education is that through various forms of education, the school enables students to know, abide by the law and use the law, cultivate and improve their legal quality and establish legal authority. The study of legal knowledge is part of education, but it is not the same as education. The current legal education in colleges and universities only stays at the level of the students the knowledge, but ignored the college students legal emotional edification and the cultivation of legal act, caused many college students legal emotional indifference.

Teaching method is the basic means, undertake to the student teacher affects on the quality of the education effect is significant, flexible and scientific teaching method can make the students happy to accept the teaching content, on the other hand, a single, old teaching methods can make students produce situation. Legal education in colleges and universities, teaching content, teaching time is limited, but the majority of teachers in order to complete the teaching mission, the implementation of unidirectional teaching method, in addition, due to the lack of teachers, class number of students are increasing year by year, the general will reach hundreds of people per class, this will make the classroom discussion should have other practice has not been implemented, students lose their interest in learning, to teacher's teaching way, has led to some students even has yet to master the basic knowledge of law, not to mention legal capacity enhancement.

Many professors of the legal basis for teachers in colleges and universities is political the teacher more, this kind of teachers without special legal training, their legal consciousness and the teaching method will there is a big problem, because of the lack of professional theoretical knowledge and practical experience, they teach practise divination to be scripted, many legal point understanding is not thorough, in the face of students confused unable to provide a scientific and reasonable solution, the lack of case teaching, classroom single boring, students don't have any enthusiasm, lose interest in FaLvKe, lead to some university students have the legal basic course but don't know what Taoism.

The influence of environment on people is imperceptible. University campus is a place to learn scientific and cultural knowledge and improve comprehensive ability. Therefore, the legal atmosphere on campus has a profound impact on college students. Lack in our country's university campus there are some legal publicity column or the publicity activities, but most become a mere formality, not enough profound influence on students, and few set up special legal service agencies to help students to solve practical legal problems.

It can be seen from the analysis of the existing problems of education in legal system in colleges and universities that education mainly stays in the teaching of legal knowledge, which makes students feel boring and lose meaning. Universities should attach importance to the legal system education, therefore, cannot let the legal system education is attached to moral education, of the legal system education in colleges and universities need to build a complete system, the arrangement of independent teaching material, the legal system education as an important part in the talent training plan. In addition, universities should focus on cultivating college students' legal quality, good legal literacy is studied in theory and practice, so that schools should not only attach importance to the legal knowledge teaching, should be more attention to legal practice.

First of all, the legal system education practical teaching, which can be carried out in the classroom, but if you want to achieve better effect, as far as possible through specialized practice site is needed, such as "moot court" school of law, the legal profession in the necessary circumstances can also be used. Second, can build outside the legal system of colleges and universities teaching base, contact with some legal affairs department, set up bases in legal practice, the legal knowledge into the real case, let the students experience the sense of law and authority.

Adopt interactive teaching mode is a requirement of the legal system education classroom, interactive teaching mode pays attention to the benign interaction between the educators and learners, think it is only through a flexible teaching methods to active classroom atmosphere, to arouse the enthusiasm of learners, exert their subjectivity. Nowadays, Internet application is very common. Except interactive teaching mode, education should keep pace with The Times, develop and apply network platform, and expand the scope of legal influence. First of all, colleges and universities should be the development of network communication platform, students in the classroom questions can be in the class and the teacher to communicate through the network and communication, of course, the teacher to ask for the update. Network has the advantages of convenience, timeliness, interactivity, not only convenient to students' questions answered as soon as possible, also facilitate teachers to post course related materials, such as work, knowledge, and hotspot issues, to deepen the positive interaction between teachers and students. Second, universities should use of the advantages of network, and carry out various forms of publicity activities, modern college students to get the current politics news and hot issues is the main way of the network, can open up the legal system education on campus network project in colleges and universities, and timely report case law, which is closely linked with the university students can target case put forward their views and opinions, and organize the experienced teacher to the student of law point of view, but in the actual use process, college administrators should pay attention to network maintenance and update, do not let it there, in the form of lost the original meaning.

Teachers are the implementers of education, and their legal concepts and legal consciousness all determine the success or failure of education. In addition to being familiar with the psychological growth rules of college students, teachers need to have a deep theoretical level and strong practical ability. FaLvKe of the teachers in many colleges and universities in our country is political teachers or administrators more, the teachers with the ideological education concept to a certain extent, but rarely about legal knowledge training, it is difficult to grasp the true spirit behind the law, not to mention to help students form the exact legal value. Therefore, colleges and universities must organize a team of teachers who have received formal training and have a strong political, intellectual, theoretical and practical nature.

Colleges and universities should strengthen management and form a good atmosphere of learning law, understanding law, abiding by the law, using law and protecting law. First of all, schools can set the law related electives, legal basis is the compulsory public universities and colleges in our country to carry out, but this is far cannot satisfy the legal requirements of different students, colleges and universities can be set according to the different grade, the different specialized student legal courses, such as "marriage law", "inheritance law", which is close to all students, and can be used as a university-level courses, "education law", "teacher", "economic law", "environmental protection law, negotiable instrument law and other professional stronger, can be a professional elective course. Second can build a legal society, we have more kinds of societies in colleges and universities, such as various kinds of sports, literature, chess, foreign language, Musical Instruments, etc., but less legal society, colleges and universities can be established by law society, organizing students to carry out activities such as debating contest.

The legal construction of colleges and universities is a huge and complicated project, need the power of the school, society and family together, catch and tube, common improvement of the legal system education in colleges and universities from several aspects, emphasize the subjectivity of college students, so as to realize the goal of legal education.


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