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美国作业代写:Current situation of Social Security Fund investment

2017-09-18 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Current situation of Social Security Fund investment,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社保基金投资现状。在全球金融危机的环境下,国内外投资环境恶化,引发了社会各界对社保基金保值增值的热切关注。对于社保基金投资来说,其安全性、增值性和流动性是最重要的。根据投资学的基本原理,收益与风险正相关,高收益伴随高风险,所以我们可以通过投资组合,降低风险,实现收益最大化。

Social Security Fund,社保基金投资,essay代写,paper代写,美国作业代写

Social Security Fund is related to the livelihood of the national economy, in the global financial crisis environment, domestic and foreign investment environment worsened, thus triggered the Social Security Fund to maintain the value of the pay attention, this article combined with the current Social Security fund investment status quo, the Social Security Fund can enter the new investment field has done the relevant exploration

In 2008 A-share market fell sharply, and the country's traditionally robust Social Security Fund was not spared as a large institutional investment. It was revealed that the 2008 National Social Security Fund due to equity investment losses of about 39 billion yuan, the establishment of 8 years since the first annual loss. Social Security Fund is related to the people's livelihood, social stability, how to make the Social Security Fund value-added, do not appear to pay crisis, has become a very concerned issue.

Social Security Fund is the people's "safe money", so Social Security Fund investment must consider its safety, value-added and liquidity, the three can not should, the most fundamental is security. In 2009, the National Social Security Fund will control investment risk, prudently conduct stock investment, increase investment products, improve the management of investment managers, adjust the investment structure, gradually reduce the investment of fixed income products, improve the management of equity investment, and actively participate in the Central enterprise Holding company, Local quality state-owned enterprises and major infrastructure of direct equity investment, to expand investment in equity investment funds. This reflects the Social Security Fund in terms of long-term investment, value investment and responsibility investment criteria, safety first, control the risk of investment ideas.

For a long time, China's Social Security fund investment channels are relatively simple, usually only rely on the deposit of banks or buy government bonds to obtain interest income to maintain value-added. In addition, the Social Security Fund can also be used in bonds, funds, stocks and other investment, taking stock investment as an example, "the interim provisions of the National Social Insurance Fund Investment Management" clearly stipulates: the proportion of the Social Security Fund invested in stocks should be controlled under 30%, must not exceed 40%, Because of the establishment and development of China's capital market only more than 10 years of time, market maturity and institutional perfection is not high, so the systemic risk is greater than the Western capital market, resulting in Social Security fund investment in the capital market is not ideal, the yield is only slightly higher than the same bank deposit rate, is far lower than the foreign Social Security Fund investment yield.

Based on the current investment status of social security funds in China, in order to avoid payment crisis in the future, the Social Security Fund to seek new investment channels is imminent.

The choice of the Social Security Fund's overseas investment institutions is the best way to manage and operate the Social Security Fund by selecting international professional investment firms with international investment experience and sound performance in the international market. The competitive bidding method can be adopted to attract internationally renowned fund management companies in the spirit of openness, impartiality and fairness. But it should be stressed that the Social Security Fund as a risk aversion institutional investors, for the security of funds, liquidity and profitability of the consideration, its overseas investment in the varieties and proportions of the early period should be more stringent restrictions.

The state-guaranteed student loan is a good financial asset, because the state can control the loan bank's losses under the average bad debt rate after the interest rate and guarantee of the student loans, so that its yield is guaranteed and higher than the yield of the Treasury bond. The Social Security Fund organization has the student employment, the salary, the labor insurance and the medical safeguard information, has the close Business Contact network with the employing unit, has the information resources sharing platform with the commercial bank, can effectively monitor, track the student condition and the recovery loan. Social Security Fund to participate in state-guaranteed student loans, not only can significantly reduce the default rate of repayment, but also to make the Social Security fund safe value-added, to achieve double win.

According to the basic principle of investment, income and risk are correlated, high returns are associated with high risk, but the portfolio risk can be reduced effectively to maximize revenue. The basic reason why our country's Social Security fund investment channel is few, the value of the difficulty is not developed, our country capital market is undeveloped, the product that can be invested is too little, it is difficult to construct the high quality investment portfolio, both control risk and maximize the benefit. Therefore, the Social Security Fund can participate in the development of capital market with potential investment varieties and financial derivatives, such as trust products, high-quality financial products. The more investment channels, the greater the ability of the portfolio to spread the risk, the stronger the value-added ability of the Social Security Fund.

As we all know, large-scale infrastructure construction time span, capital demand, will give the national financial pressure, and China's Social Security Fund accumulated a large amount of funds, can fully meet the large-scale infrastructure projects investment cycle long, large-scale needs. In this case, a certain proportion of the social insurance fund can be considered to invest in large-scale infrastructure projects with good profit prospects. Because of the stable return of infrastructure construction and low risk, it can fully meet the need of Social Security Fund's value-added. Therefore, under the premise of guaranteeing adequate solvency and liquidity, the Social Security Fund can be an investment subject to intervene in some profitable infrastructure projects in order to obtain long-term and stable returns.

In addition, the long-term equity investment is also China's Social Security Fund can be involved in the field, since 2008, the National Social Security Fund in this aspect of the investment breakthrough, on the one hand, the national Development Bank and Agricultural Bank of China strategic investors, but also to win the National Social Security Fund rights 10% can be used to invest The exploration of these investment methods has made a solid step for China's Social Security Fund to realize value-added in the more complex and changeable market environment.


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