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留学生作业代写:Internet Addiction

2017-05-18 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Paper范文

本文是一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Internet Addiction,供大家赏析学习,这篇论文讨论了网络成瘾问题。在科技给人们带来便捷的同时,相应的问题也随之而来。如今很多人都有网络成瘾的问题,这些人沉溺于互联网中,无法自拔。由于长时间使用互联网,导致他们很多人在现实的沟通能力下降,而且对他们的心理健康也有一定的危害。

Internet Addiction,网络成瘾,留学生作业代写,paper代写,澳洲代写


Currently, the rapid development of technologies bring us the convenient life. Nevertheless, the corresponding problems also follow. It is never difficult to see people bending their heads and staring at their smart phones, iPads and other electronic devices when waiting for the bus, eating with friends and even walking on the street. It seems that we are kidnapping by the internet and some people even cannot live without the internet. Some researchers claim that modern people are easily addicted to the virtual world. This paper aims to examine this heated topic regarding internet addiction.

First of all, the definition of internet addiction has been presented. And then, it demonstrates the corresponding effect of internet addiction to addicts. Besides, the mental state of those are addicted to the virtual world will be analyzed. In addition, the potential causes to the internet addiction will also be elaborated. More importantly, the effective treatment to this addiction is going to be explored in this paper.


Actually, before we do some research on internet addiction, we must first define its meaning and extension. As stated in Young’s article, internet addiction can be regarded as a kind of “control disorder”. To be more specific, internet users cannot control themselves and become dependent on the cyber space. Most of their time have been spending on chatting with cyber friends, playing computer games, or other activities online. Their attachment have been cultivated during the process of internet action. In fact, it is more like a kind of affective disorder, which means they are emotionally depend on the virtual world and sometimes even do not want to go back to reality. Just as other kinds of addictions, excessive internet users may take internet as a substitution of real world.

Actually, there are some symptoms which can help to judge whether one is addicted to the cyber space:

1. Excessive use of internet to get pleasure. Internet addicts will spend most of their time to get pleasure on the cyber community. As for addicts, their sense of achievements come from the virtual world.

2. Addicts usually find it very difficult or cannot control their behavior on stopping use electronic devices to get access to internet.

3. Those who are really dependent on cyber space would feel depressed after cut off the link to internet.

4. They may deny or make up lies to pretend that they are not so dependent on virtual world.

Corresponding Effects

Similar to other addictions, internet addiction may results in related negative effects to those who are suffering from it. Generally speaking, the effects can be divided into two aspects: long-term and short term effects.

The short-term effects of internet addiction may be the accumulation of unfinished assignments, procrastination of works and the increase of weight. As for the long-term effect, it would be more physical, namely the finger hurts, backache and other problem in your body. Besides, diminution of vision will also happen due to watching the screen for long time. What is worse, it may result in the pecuniary loss because the online purchase can be anywhere like shopping, games and so on. Apart from that, the Impaired Social Interaction may also be possible in the real world since they are too addicted to the interaction in virtual word. As a consequence, the sense of isolation and aloneness may be very strong for those addicts. They may find it more comfortable to stay at home alone. They spend too much time on internet and got little chances to get along well with their real friends and families. As a result, this may be very harmful for their social relationships and psychological well-being.

Potential causes

We can refer from the above statement that most addicts want to find the sense of achievements or escape the stress in real world by becoming what they want to be in the virtual world. When they face the challenge of life and feel stressed out, lonely, worried and painful, they would seek the safety on the internet. Studies demonstrates that “Internet addiction is quite prevalent in the group of 20-30 years old young man who are usually under pressure in real life”.

Some people are very easily addicted to cyber world. For example, people who are anxious and depressed may turn to the cyber space to satisfy what they lack in the real life. Just like other addictions to alcohol and drugs, the internet is like a mental supplement for them.


So how can we cure this addiction? Is there any treatment that may help addicts using internet appropriately?

As far as I am concerned, the treatment of internet addiction can be divided mainly into two aspects: medical treatment and psychological treatment.

Given depression and other emotional disorders may lead to the internet addiction, the medicine which focus on treating these emotional problems may be helpful. In this case, medical cure may be a possible alternative if the medicine is effective for improving the mood of addicts. Besides, medicine sometimes are necessary if the addiction are suffering from severe condition and cannot control themselves not to use internet excessively. However, the medicine may have some side effects to some extent. The addicts must be very carefully before using medicine. It would be better if they can consult a doctor.

As for the psychological treatment, the best way would be find a new spiritual pillar. As stated before, addicts take internet as an emotional supplement of real world. They want to find what they lack in virtual world. If they can chat more with their families, friends or learn something they are interested in real life. The addiction may be not so hard to overcome. Actually, the psychological treatment can be more healthy and long-term.


In summary, the internet addiction is actually a kind of emotional disorder. It may leads to corresponding negative effects like physical problems and mental distresses for the addicts. As a result, the addiction may be treated by medicine or related psychological treatment. We should pay attention not to use internet excessively. Internet is what we should use properly to help us do jobs more efficiently instead of being kidnapped by the technology created by ourselves.

Reference List

1. Young, K. S. (1999). Internet addiction: symptoms, evaluation and treatment. Innovations in clinical practice: A source book, 17, 19-31.

2. Griffiths, M. (2000). Does Internet and computer" addiction" exist? Some case study evidence. Cyber Psychology and Behavior, 3(2), 211-218.

3. Weinstein, A., &Lejoyeux, M. (2010). Internet addiction or excessive internet use. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 36(5), 277-283.

4. King, D. L., Delfabbro, P. H., Griffiths, M. D., &Gradisar, M. (2011). Assessing clinical trials of Internet addiction treatment: A systematic review and CONSORT evaluation. Clinical psychology review, 31(7), 1110-1116.

5. Fu, K. W., Chan, W. S., Wong, P. W., & Yip, P. S. (2010). Internet addiction: prevalence, discriminant validity and correlates among adolescents in Hong Kong. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 196(6), 486-492.


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