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Individual Quantitative Analysis Report Music --report代写范文

2016-07-05 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Report范文

51Due论文代写平台report代写范文:“Individual Quantitative Analysis Report Music”,这篇论文主要描述的是对于人们获取音乐的来源进行调查,来研究人们对于盗版音乐的道德信仰,有大多数的人们都已经习惯了免费的获取音乐而通过付费下载的方式来获取,这对于音乐行业的发展具有已经得阻碍作用。

The evaluation of research objective, hypotheses and methods. Basically this research tries to ascertain where iPods users get their music and what influences their acquisition. So the two main objectives are: 1 identifies the resources of iPod users; 2 figure out the factors which influence the acquisition.

For the first objective, in this research, it can be divided the resources into illegal or legal. Meanwhile, the second objective is find out the factors may be related to the ethic, age, Internet connection speed and knowledge.

In order to evaluate the suitable research methods, the related specific questions and hypotheses are:

Question 1: to determine the difference between different ethic opinions people and behaviour of obtaining music resources legally

H1: Those who believe piracy is ethically wrong are more likely to obtain their music from legal sources.

Evaluation: H1 is talking about the difference between different belief people and their behaviours. In order to know the belief of ethic the question should be like what do you think of people that download music they haven’t paid for? But for the legitimacy of the resource, the questions will ask have you ever downloaded a song without paying for it? The two questions have been presented in the questionnaire and this research aims to know if the different views lead to the download illegal effect. The researchers are looking for a difference between variables. In order to know the specific results, the best research method is causal method.

Question 2: To evaluate the relationship between age and obtaining music through illegally resources

H2: The younger the iPod user the more likely they are to obtain their music illegally

Evaluation: H2 implies the association between different ages of people and download sources. The related questions will be what is your age? Have you ever downloaded a song without paying for it? And where do you download from? The relationship that H2 tries to identify is clear via these questions. To know the specific association between variables should use descriptive research method.

Question 3: to determine the impact with the Internet Connection speed and probability from illegally resources

H3: The higher the speed of an iPod user’s Internet connection, the higher the probability that the majority of their music will be illegally acquired.

Evaluation: H3 is also looking for an impact between variables. In order to know the answer, researchers should ask the following questions: Do you connect to the net? What speed is the connection? Have you ever downloaded a song without paying for it? How often would you download without paying? From these questions, the researchers can know the exactly speed of the responders’ Internet connections and the facts of downloading illegally. On the basis of this clear relationship, the causal research method will help to identify what kind of relationship between these questions.

Question 4: to evaluate the relationship with computer/Internet knowledge and the tendency of obtaining music illegally

H4: The more literature the Internet/computer user, the m ore likely they are to obtain music illegally for their iPod.

Evaluation: The most important variables in H4are the knowledge and the obtaining methods. By asking describe your computing/ internet skills and where would you say you source your music on your iPod from can know the answers. H4 implies the causal research method because via answering the questions, the researchers can know what type of relation between the knowledge and obtaining channels.

2 Descriptions of Variables

Variable 1-ethical belief [question 17] and Variable 2-download behaviour [question 20]


Statistic Std. Error

what do you think of people that download music they havent paid for Mean 2.4176 .07000

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 2.2785

Upper Bound 2.5567

5% Trimmed Mean 2.4640

Median 3.0000

Variance .446

Std. Deviation .66776

Minimum 1.00

Maximum 3.00

Range 2.00

Interquartile Range 1.00

Skewness -.721 .253

Kurtosis -.545 .500have you ever downloaded a song without paying for it Mean 1.1319 .03566

 95% Confidence I

nterval for Mean Lower Bound 1.0610

Upper Bound 1.2027

5% Trimmed Mean 1.0910 Median 1.0000

Variance .116 Std. Deviation .34022

Minimum 1.00

Maximum 2.00

Range 1.00

Interquartile Range .00

Skewness 2.213 .253

Kurtosis 2.961 .500

Variable 3-age [question 25] and Variable 4-the download places [question 19]Descriptives

Statistic Std. Error

what is your age Mean 2.2967 .11214

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 2.0739

Upper Bound 2.5195

5% Trimmed Mean 2.1886

Median 2.0000

Variance 1.144

Std. Deviation 1.06973Minimum 1.00

Maximum 6.00

Range 5.00

Interquartile Range 1.00

Skewness 1.605 .253 Kurtosis 3.379 .500

where do you download from Mean 5.0769 .22168 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 4.6365

Upper Bound 5.5173

5% Trimmed Mean 5.1966

Median 6.0000

Variance 4.472

Std. Deviation 2.11466

Minimum 1.00

Maximum 7.00

Range 6.00

Interquartile Range 2.00

Skewness -.932 .253

Kurtosis -.513 .500

Variable 5-internet connection speed [question 15] and Variable 6-the frequency of illegal download [question 21]


Statistic Std. Error

what speed is the connection Mean 2.9121 .15203

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 2.6101

Upper Bound 3.2141

5% Trimmed Mean 2.8779

Median 3.0000

Variance 2.103

Std. Deviation 1.45027

Minimum 1.00

Maximum 6.00

Range 5.00

Interquartile Range 2.00

Skewness .246 .253

Kurtosis -.879 .500

how often would you download without paying Mean 2.7473 .14288

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 2.4634

Upper Bound 3.0311

5% Trimmed Mean 2.7192

Median 3.0000

Variance 1.858

Std. Deviation 1.36295

Minimum 1.00

Maximum 5.00

Range 4.00

Interquartile Range 3.00

Skewness .015 .253

Kurtosis -1.272 .500 Variable 7-the knowledge of computing/ Internet [question 23] and Variable 8-the download channels [question 18]


Statistic Std. Error

describe your computing/internet skills Mean 3.1209 .11466

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 2.8931

Upper Bound 3.3487

5% Trimmed Mean 3.1221

Median 3.0000

Variance 1.196

Std. Deviation 1.09377

Minimum 1.00

Maximum 6.00

Range 5.00

Interquartile Range 2.00

Skewness .120 .253

Kurtosis -.440 .500

where would you say you source your music on your ipod from Mean 2.1648 .09539

95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Bound 1.9753

Upper Bound 2.3543

5% Trimmed Mean 2.1832

Median 3.0000

Variance .828

Std. Deviation .90999

Minimum 1.00

Maximum 3.00

Range 2.00

Interquartile Range 2.00

Skewness -.336 .253

Kurtosis -1.726 .50

3 The analysis of the 4 Hypotheses

H1: It tests the difference between the belief of piracy is ethically wrong and obtaining music from legal resources. The dependent variable is the belief of piracy is ethically wrong. The independent variable is obtaining music from legal resources. So, the variables are paired. It should use independent samples t-test.Group Statistics

have you ever downloaded a song without paying for it N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

what do you think of people that download music they havent paid for yes 79 2.4810 .65752 .07398

no 12 2.0000 .60302 .17408

Independent Samples Test

Levenes Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means

F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference

Lower Upper

what do you think of people that download music they havent paid for Equal variances assumed 7.031 .009 2.385 89 .019 .48101 .20170 .08023 .88180

Equal variances not assumed 2.543 15.262 .022 .48101 .18914 .07846 .88356

Sig is .019 is less than 0.05.


A significant difference between different belief about piracy is ethically wrong and the obtain music legally. It suggests that people who think piracy is ethically wrong download music legally more than who don’t think so. H1 was therefore supported.

H2: It tests association between the two scale variables--different age groups of people and the obtaining music methods. So it uses the Spearman’s Rho technique.


what is your age where do you download from

Spearmans rho what is your age Correlation Coefficient 1.000 .123

Sig. (2-tailed) . .243

N 91 91

where do you download from Correlation Coefficient .123 1.000

Sig. (2-tailed) .243 .

N 91 91

Sig is .243 which larger than 0.05 and the correlation coefficient is .123.


A weak positive non-significant association was founded between the age and the resource. H2 is therefore not supported.

H3: This is a test of association between internet connection speed and the probabilities. It uses the Pearson’s Correlation technique.

Correlations what speed is the connection how often would you download without paying

what speed is the connection Pearson Correlation 1 .140

Sig. (2-tailed) .184

N 91 91

how often would you download without paying Pearson Correlation .140 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .184

N 91 91

The sig is .184 and the Pearson correlation is .140


A weak positive non-significant association was founded between the connection speed and the frequency of download without paying. Therefore, H3 isn’t supported.

H4 is also tries to figure association between the literature and iPod resources. It should use the Pearson’s correlation technique.


describe your computing/internet skills where would you say you source your music on your ipod from

describe your computing/internet skills Pearson Correlation 1 -.188

Sig. (2-tailed) .075

N 91 91

where would you say you source your music on your ipod from Pearson Correlation -.188 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .075

N 91 91

Sig is .075, Pearson correlation is -.188.

Conclusion:A weak, negative non-significant association was found between computing literature and the iPod resources. H4 is therefore not supported.

4 Discussing of the findings

This research is trying to find where iPod users get their music and to know if these resources legal or not. At the same time, it also looks at the influences for people acquisition. Thereby some hypotheses were developed and tested. The tests results show only the hypotheses 1 was supported that different ethic belief people do have difference in their behaviors. Nevertheless, it refused the other influences such as ages, Internet connection speed and the literature of computing. For researchers, this research could help making marketing strategies.

1 pushing and controlling strategies

Due to the support result of H1, marketers can use strategy to use this impact that influent people obtaining music through legal channels. It needs to tell iPod users that piracy is ethically wrong strongly and clearly via educating or communicating because this leads to reduce the illegal personal download behavior directly. In another way, marketers should pay attentions on those who download illegally may not have strong ethic believes or didn’t know that at all.

2 don’t ignore

After the tests, the H2 wasn’t supported. It tells that no matter the user young or not, they still may download illegally. Therefore, marketers should never ignore older users. They may have same possibilities download illegally.

3 no need to worry the internet connect speed

Rejecting H3 explains that no need to worry about the Internet connect speed will arise the illegal download frequency. For music industry, the high Internet-connect speed means the opportunities people purchasing from Internet. Controlling the Internet connect speed is not necessary. The frequency of illegal downloading doesn’t cause by speed.

4 knowledge doesn’t means won’t

The test of H4 shows that nothing is between the literature of computing/ Internet and music obtaining channels. Therefore people won’t choose more legal channels just because they have more knowledge about computing or Internet. All people have the same possibilities downloading illegally.


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