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Assignment代写:The European populism

2017-11-24 来源: 51due教员组 类别: 更多范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The European populism,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了欧洲民粹主义。民粹主义既是一种政治思潮,又是一种社会运动,还是一种政治策略。民粹主义对欧洲思想观念结构造成很大冲击。欧洲民粹主义政党的崛起强化了民粹主义思想在欧洲社会的蔓延趋势。另外,民粹主义政党的崛起对欧洲既有政治结构造成很大冲击。

European populism,欧洲民粹主义,assignment代写,paper代写,留学生作业代写

A notable feature of the current political trend in Europe and America is the agitatedly of populism and the surging power. As far as Europe is concerned, whether Britain withdraws from the EU's referendum decision, the rise of the National Front of France's far-right party, the rise of the right-wing political parties in the Nordic countries, or the emergence of xenophobic parties in many "new European" countries, or the election performance of Spain's radical left-wing party, the Social-democratic Force party, the fledgling leftist wing of Greece, are seen as a symptom of European populism. The popularity of populism in the Western world has aroused great concern in Chinese and foreign scholars, based on the relevant academic research results, and the basic meaning of populism in the original sense of the beginning, summed up and slightly explore the contemporary European populism and its impact on European society.

Similar to many other theories ―― historical concepts, ideas or doctrines, and the principles of action, populism, as an ideology, a political culture and even a creed of policy behavior, contains very rich connotations, has a variable and diverse form, and has its different manifestations in different countries and different stages of development. As long as people have the most superficial impression of history and thought history, there is no doubt that there is a variety of populism: the Russian version of populism at different times, the American version of Populism, the Philippine version of Populism, the Vietnamese version of populism, the Venezuelan version of populism, the populism of Eastern European countries, and so on. Populism is "a ghost of wandering the world."

So what is "populism"? What does "populism" mean in the original sense? "Populist", as the name implies, means "public opinion as the essence", while "doctrine" tends to push it to extremes, so that it has a very strong political and social view of duality, that is, to divide the social artificially into two of the less differentiated homogeneous bodies of the ――, "pure people" and "corrupt elites". And it is quite stubborn to assume that politics should be the expression of the people's "public meaning". If according to the famous Chinese scholar Yu Professor 20 years ago in his theory article "populism in the process of modernization" important reveal, can further make more detailed discrimination: populism is not only a political trend of thought, but also a social movement, or a political strategy. First of all, populism as a kind of social thought, its basic meaning is its extreme civilian tendency, that is, extreme emphasis on the values and ideals of the civilian population, the common people and the popularity of all political movements and political system of the ultimate source of legitimacy, in order to judge the development of social history. It can be seen that it opposes elitism in concept, neglects or denies the important role of political elites in the development of social history. Secondly, populism, as a political movement, advocates the radical reform of the society by the populace, and the common people as the only decisive force of the political reform, thus fundamentally denying the important role of the political elites in the social and political changes, and the civilian population becomes the essential characteristic of the populist political movement.

Finally, populism, as a tactic of political domination, means the means of mobilizing the civilian population to participate in the political process. The main feature of this political policy is the effective control and manipulation of the civilian population as a whole by emphasizing the values of populism such as the unification of civilians, referendums, and the creation rights of the people. Thus, populism becomes "a special way to manipulate the masses". This kind of political mobilization, in real politics, often evolves into a propaganda campaign by political leaders for the needs of political control to inspire the masses.

In logic and history, populism has only emerged with the development of modern market civilization, and it is often the resistance and critical force of modern market civilization that has gained its specific meaning of affirming, expressing and defending the interests of ordinary people in reality or imagination. In the history of Western thought, the first critical thinker with profound influence in modernization process, Rousseau, the French Biobings thinkers, should be an appropriate historical starting point for the study of populism. The main body of Rousseau's political philosophy undoubtedly contains the prominent populist elements. At least he has made the most fundamental and enduring contribution to the formation and spread of populism, with three sets of ideas. These three sets of ideas are: to negate the equality of individualism and social differentiation, to appeal to popular emotion and to belittle the romanticism of abstract rationality; It can be said that almost all of the fully developed populism, no matter what the specific form, with Rousseau's initial description of these three aspects as the basic attributes, all in order to seek social equality, to express the feelings of the public and to achieve the rule of "public opinion" as a practical program.

In short, populism is a populist opposite to elitism. But there still needs to be a little bit of a major and fundamental problem that populist researchers have always been concerned about ―― populism and elitism. Populism is no doubt against elitism. Of course, populist opposition to elite politics is not entirely unreasonable. Aristotle, the great philosopher of ancient Greece, put forward the oligarchy relative to the aristocracy in his "politics": if the minority rule the country, but these ruling elites are generally more temperate, not greedy, govern the country more measured, is the aristocracy. But if the ruling elites become extremely greedy and disregard the interests of most ordinary people, the aristocracy is transformed into an oligarchy. It can be seen that today's European and American populists do have enough reason to criticize and rethink some of the greedy and irresponsible elites who dominate the global financial system. At the same time, populism's basic attitude towards elite politics is that it does not accommodate or tolerate elitism, on the contrary or even hostility to elitism, and the overwhelming triumph of populism over elitism. Aristotle also noticed the phenomenon of populism. In his political science, he suggests that, in a republic, although the ruling state is based on the will of the majority, it balances the interests of the majority and the minority, the poor and the rich, otherwise the Republic will degenerate into a civilian or mob regime.

According to Mulder, the terrorist attacks, the refugee crisis and the economic crisis are considered to constitute an important inducement to the current European populism. First, in recent years, the ensuing terrorist attacks in Europe have given the European public an unusually deep psychological shock, a spirit of shock and a consequent backlash of anger. For Europeans, their sense of security has never been as fragile as they are now since the end of the Cold War. Second, European countries are suffering from the refugee crisis as a result of the collapse of a number of authoritarian regimes in the Middle East and frequent wars. The influx of large numbers of Muslim refugees has caused serious panic among European Conservatives and many in the public. Third, Europe is still mired in the financial crisis and recession in America and Europe, which began with the subprime mortgage crisis. Europe's big ministries are struggling and performing poorly in the economic and financial fields.

The most severe global economic storms since the Great Depression of the 1930s has had a deeper psychological and ideological impact. In a meeting in Washington in early October 2008, the former U.S. ambassador to China, Roy, proposed that the financial crisis was "catastrophic", as much as the Soviet collapse, because it made the so-called superiority of Western capitalist market economy and liberal democracy a serious uncertainty, People are beginning to wonder whether these are the best ways to deal with the world's serious problems. The major ills of economic globalization, the structural changes in European society, and the loss of governance of European political elites have been identified by many researchers as the main causes of the emergence of contemporary European populism. First of all, economic globalization has brought significant benefits to European countries, but it has also led to serious problems: in the last thirty or forty years, the gap between the rich and the poor in the West has widened significantly and economic inequality has increased dramatically. Populism is easier to emerge when economic inequality is high. Second, the developed countries of Europe have already entered the post-industrial era.

The strict adherence to the religious canon by the industrialized and the public has led to the middle-left and centre-right political parties no longer have the strong support of working-class voters and religious voters as they did in the past. Not only that, there have been major changes in European social and religious structures over the past few decades. The increase in the number of white ethnic populations and the rise in the proportion of ethnic minorities in Europe has been compounded by the difference in birth rates among different ethnic groups. The ethnic minority population here contains a rapidly expanding Muslim population. The Muslim trend in the European population is even more pronounced than in the United States. European experience alone is a society in which Christianity is the dominant religion, and it is often difficult to assimilate or absorb Islam-Muslim populations effectively. Even after acquiring European national citizenship, some Muslim populations still struggle to establish political identity based on citizenship, which often places religious identities above national identities.

This has undoubtedly created a deep social anxiety for the growing Muslim population in Europe. Third, and perhaps more importantly, the European political elites are far from being incapable of reshaping international domestic governance systems or institutions to absorb or contain possible disruptions or potential contractions caused by globalisation. One of the main features of today's globalization model is that the pace of economic globalization has vastly outpaced the process of global integration of politics, religion and culture. Thus, the tension between economic globalization and political globalization has intensified. Europe's political elites are powerless in the face of a world dominated and designed by Europe and the United States, where globalization rules and institutions need to be reformed or even reshaped.

Most European parliaments have representatives of populist parties. Most of them are right-wing forces, and many others are left-wing. Populist parties have been the fastest-growing ―― in the six European parliaments of Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland, controlling the largest share of parliamentary seats. Among the three countries of Hungary, Italy and Slovakia, populist parties have developed in recent parliamentary elections, while populist parties have been the most visible in Hungary. The country's ruling Youth Democrat coalition and the biggest opposition party, the "Better Hungarian movement", are populist parties. Today's European populism has almost toppled the European elite consensus: the process of European integration, multi-ethnic society, neoliberal economic reform and so on. Despite the complexity of populism as a whole, it can still be broadly summed up as follows: first, anti-European integration of populism.

This kind of populism emphasizes the supremacy of State sovereignty and opposes the alienation of sovereignty, thus doubting and rejecting the EU. Secondly, anti-immigrant populism. Such populism is closely linked to the first type of populism. There is no doubt that European countries are increasingly surrounded by Muslim immigrants. Both in France and Italy, the anti-Muslim diaspora has shown that the political culture has shifted considerably towards populism, nationalism, and nationalist direction. Third, the anti-austerity populism. Some European countries, particularly in southern Europe and south-eastern Europe, are struggling to extricate themselves from the debt crisis, and fiscal austerity and opposition to government intervention in the economy are seen as a liberal remedy for the current economic woes. However, such populism focuses on social injustice and polarization between rich and poor, and argues that fiscal austerity will only harm the poor's interests and thus strongly oppose austerity. They are particularly prominent in Greece and Spain, and four, "two unlike" populism. Such populism is neither left-wing nor right-wing in the political spectrum. For example, Italy's "five-Star Movement", they hold aloft the banner of environmental protection, anti-corruption and anti-existing elite system.

The consequences of populism are highly uncertain. Many political scholars both at home and abroad have reason to worry about the worldwide trend of populism, and there is widespread concern that the rise of populism may have a destabilizing effect on the domestic political system and the international order since the Second World War.

First, populism has a great impact on the structure of European ideology. The rise of the Populist party in Europe has reinforced the spread of populist ideology in European society. An important manifestation of the spread of populism is that it has infiltrated into the mainstream European society as a way of thinking or discourse. For example, portraying a political competitor as an elite representative and portraying itself as the true representative of the people has become the usual way for mainstream parties to denigrate their opponents. In the words of Mulder, at least since the the early 1990s, populism has become a normal form of democracy in Western Europe, and has become a "zeitgeist".

Secondly, populism endangers the economic development of European society. Populism is the product of modernization and globalization, but it has deep anti market, anti modernization and anti globalization tendency. So is populism in Europe today. Through political centralization and political mobilization, populists tend to rapidly mobilize socio-economic resources in a short period of time, thus making the economy visibly grow. However, in the long run, the populist regime will seriously impair the development of national economy in the end.

Again, the rise of populist parties has had a big impact on Europe's political structure. Although populism has a derogatory stance on the political system of the existing European countries, that is, representative democracy, however, it has made full use of the representative democratic system to develop and strengthen the ―― through democratic elections, seeking for and even realizing the breakthrough of the seats, thus impacting the existing political party structure in Europe, especially the status and function of the mainstream party in the existing system of politics. A new party structure has emerged in many European countries: populist parties from the right and left have become important components.

Of course, in developed countries in Europe, today populism is likely to be constrained by democratic rule of law, and its traditional negative effects will be minimized. However, it must also be pointed out that populism often rips society and endangers social cohesion. Populist sentiments often lead to popular "hatred", "xenophobic" and "xenophobic" mentality, which leads to the antagonism between ordinary civilians and social elites and immigrant immigrants. In theory, political fragmentation among different constituencies tends to lead to more political conflict. The division of voter politics is considered to include class division, Religious division, ethnic division and so on. The European populism will lead to a rise in the level of political fragmentation between whites and minorities, between Christianity and Islam, between the liberal and nationalist communities. The political divide is clearly visible. Populism, of course, is not big enough to endanger European democracies, leading to a collapse of democracy in European countries.

Finally, populism poses a threat to the European integration process and the Union's unity. The European Union's victory over Europe is not to be ignored. The populist forces that claim to be off Europe are tenacious in the European countries of France, the Netherlands, Denmark and even Germany. For example, representatives of populist forces such as Heirt Wilders, the leader of the French National Front and pen, the Dutch Liberal Party, strongly advocated the removal of the country and called for the implementation of Oupang investment. Also, populism tends to fuel extreme nationalism. Anti-immigrant, anti-refugees and anti-Muslim voices in Europe are rising so much that "Islamophobia" has begun to spread in Europe, which is clearly detrimental to the development of a multi-ethnic society in Europe.


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