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Music movie connotation

2019-09-24 来源: 51Due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Music movie connotation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电影音乐的内涵。电影音乐,顾名思义就是作者为了更好地表达剧中人物的性格或者能更好地烘托電影中的气氛,电影艺术与音乐艺术结合,视觉艺术与听觉艺术结合,使电影能够更加完美地展现在人们面前而加入的一种音乐。所以电影音乐也就成为电影中的一个重要的组成部分。电影音乐是在为电影配乐,是为了能烘托出更好地电影效果。在适当的场景中加入适当的音乐,为剧中的人物形象增加一些色彩,会使整个剧情更加饱满,使整部电影更加完美,更加无与伦比。

film music,电影音乐内涵,essay代写,作业代写,代写

Music is the music added to enhance the effect in the film, which is a combination of two completely different arts. It is an important part of the film art. Its existence is to better show the content of the film, and it is a very important expression form of the film art. Music can make the audience accept the film more easily. It is closely related to the plot of the film, and has a huge promotion effect on the development of the plot.

The combination of film art and music art is the inevitable trend of film art development. Film music can be classified according to different ways of integration, no matter which category is closely related to the film and television content of film art.

Film music cannot be said to be divorced from its essence because it is integrated into the film. Regardless of the components of music, its creation is still the same as the creation of many music works. However, in order to create a film music, music should be combined with the film. At this time, music should be based on the theme of the film. Music presents the theme of the film.

Film music, as its name implies, is a music that the author adds in order to better express the characters in the play or to better highlight the atmosphere in the film. The combination of film art and music art, visual art and auditory art makes the film more perfect in front of people. Therefore, music has become an important part of the movie. Even though music has become an integral part of film art, the basic elements of music are not affected, but still are: melody, rhythm, harmony, strength, speed, tonality, form, texture and other elements. However, the conception, image and structure of music created by musicians are affected by the conception, character image, film structure and overall picture of the film. The film music must match the content of the film, the cultural background of creation, the conditions of screening and the language problems of the audience. In a more popular way, music is in fact the film score, just to foil a better film effect. Adding the appropriate music in the appropriate scene and adding some color to the characters in the play will enrich the whole plot and make the whole movie more perfect and incomparable. Film art is a comprehensive art, which integrates music, fine arts, drama and literature. It also has the artistic characteristics of auditory, visual, time and space, so film music has become an inevitable product of the development of film art.

Every movie has a theme song to match it. The theme song of the movie is a simple song, which has no actual meaning of lyrics, but runs through the whole play. It is the core part of the whole movie music, and also the main music of the whole movie. The theme song of the movie has no clear lyrics, which leaves the audience more room for imagination. For example, we all know the movie "butterfly lovers", the symphony "butterfly lovers" in the play of the clever use of the plot smoothly had a further development. Every use of the theme song in the movie pushes the plot forward.

The theme song of the movie is the meridians of the whole movie. What it has in common with the theme song is that it runs through the whole play. The theme song can also be used to summarize the plot of a movie. It is tailored according to the style of the movie and the character and image of the main characters in the movie. For example, the theme song of the film children from the wind and cloud, march of the volunteers, is a story about the active resistance of the masses against Japanese aggression in the 1930s, and this song played an inspiring role.

A movie interlude is a form of movie music in which the filmmaker inserts music according to the plot of a scene. The theme song and theme song of the film run through the whole play, showing the whole, while the film episode shows the part, which is the embellishment of part of the film. The film episode has no influence on other plots except this one. Its function is to embellish a certain part or a certain plot. Due to the need of the plot, we need to insert some new music to render, but its addition can better improve the whole film. Just like the grace note we added on a certain note in the music work, we would like to make a small decoration on the perfect work. Like "my motherland" in the movie "shangganling", its mission is to show the patriotism of the volunteers. Film interludes dot the film to enhance the effect of the plot.

The depict of characters in the movie is through the ups and downs of the plot and the conflict of layers, and the connection between the story and the feelings of ascension, foil atmosphere, and the plot moving is done through the film music, so the film music's role in the film art is not to be ignored. Whether a good film can be accepted by the public depends on whether it can hold the hearts of the audience. Music is the messenger that reveals the theme of the film, shows the background and atmosphere of the film, and undertakes the responsibility of achieving classics and enhancing the audience's acceptance. It can be seen that music can make the audience accept the film more easily.

Music is an important means to show the heart of the characters, summarize the theme of the film and develop a coherent plot. It is a necessary condition for the development of the film industry. Its importance is self-evident. Therefore, in order to improve the development of Chinese film art, film music is a "big project" that cannot be ignored.


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