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作业代写:Ecological civilization theory

2018-04-26 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Ecological civilization theory,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了生态文明理论。生态文明理论研究始于西方的生态伦理学研究,后来逐渐成为一个哲学、政治学、经济学等多学科的研究对象。西方的生态文明理论虽然流派众多,但在生态危机产生的根源和解决途径问题上,主要划分为“以重建人类生态价值观”和“以制度批判为基础”两种思维路向。在当前生态危机日益呈现出全球化发展趋势的背景下,对于西方的生态文明理论,我们要取其精华,弃其糟粕。

Ecological civilization theory,生态文明理论,essay代写,论文代写,代写

The study of ecological civilization theory started from the western ecological ethics research in the 1970s and gradually became the subject of many subjects such as philosophy, politics, economics and so on. Western theory of ecological civilization, though many genres, in to discuss the root cause of ecological crisis and solution to the problem, in general can be mainly divided into "to rebuild human ecological values" and "on the basis of the system critical" two kind of way of thinking. In the current ecological crisis is increasingly showing a trend under the background of globalization, how to critically absorb the achievements of western ecological civilization theory research and establishing ecological civilization theory in developing countries is the contemporary issues before us.

To rebuild the thinking way of the human ecological values as the leading thought of contemporary ecological crisis and ecological management, formed a "ecocentrism" and "anthropocentrism" theory of ecological civilization, they are in a leading position in the contemporary western green trend. Although in the cause of ecological crisis and solution to the problem, the two different types of ecological civilization theory there are differences and opposition, but they have consistency in the way of thinking and value standpoint. Specifically:

They all attribute the root cause of the contemporary ecological crisis to the crisis of human ecological values, and the difference lies in how to view the relationship between anthropocentric values and ecological crisis. Ecocentrism theory of ecological civilization is not only the anthropocentrism values as the root of ecology crisis, and stressed out of anthropocentrism values, establish a "natural value theory" and "theory of natural rights" ecological centralism on the basis of the values is the fundamental way out to solve the ecological crisis. Anthropocentrism theory of ecological civilization is the only admit that modern anthropocentrism values caused by the tension between the human and nature, but this does not mean that the anthropocentrism values itself exists problems, emphasize the interests of the human is the survival of the ecological movement intrinsic motivation and foundation, and then to anthropocentrism values, advocated abandoning should meet the modern anthropocentrism values advocated "perceptual demand", instead of should satisfy people's demand "rational" modern anthropocentrism values, can avoid the tension between man and nature. Although they are divided in the concrete theory viewpoint, but they are adhering to is a kind of abstract cultural determinism, do not know the formation and change of cultural values is based on a certain mode of production.

On how to view and handle the relationship between human and nature, they are not starting from the dialectical thinking, but is metaphysically mainstreams between them the difference is only the essences of ecocentrism in "nature", the essences of anthropocentrism in "human", their common drawback is that do not know the history of the relationship between human and the natural property, don't know how to solve ecological problems not only from the perspective of values, "ignore the social thought and nature a link between the physical environment, therefore, cut off the social theory of human and the natural relations response the real contact". And therefore cannot be based on human practice and history change the way of social production, to look at and deal with the dialectical relationship between nature and human society, as a result, of course, is unable to find the root causes of ecological crisis.

They have a strong tendency of "western centralism" in solving the value of ecological problems. Due to ecocentrism and anthropocentrism theory of ecological civilization from the changes of the social mode of production to ecological problems, and simply attribute ecological problems to values of the problem, of course, will not be able to reveal the rise of the capitalist industrial civilization, the development with the inner link between the contemporary ecological crisis, also cannot clarify the current global ecological governance rights, responsibilities and obligations in the relationship, objectively played the defending western developed capitalist countries.

As the dominant in western green ecological civilization theory, ecocentrism and anthropocentrism positive significance lies in: it illustrates the change of the values of ecology and the importance of reconstruction to solve the ecological crisis. But because of its theoretical defects and limitations of value, to determine the ecological management in developing countries can not directly use western ecocentrism and the ecological civilization theory of anthropocentrism, and should be starting from the environment and development rights of defending itself, scientific analysis of the nature of the contemporary ecological crisis, to establish its own ecological civilization theory in developing countries. Ecological civilization theory of ecological marxism is of great significance to how to establish the theory of ecological civilization in developing countries.

"System criticism" is the core of the ecological marxist theory, which refers to the critique of the capitalist system and the mode of production. In their view, it is because of the justice of the capitalist system and way of production and the endless pursuit of profit, cause the alienation of the relationship between man and nature and the ecological crisis, based on the capitalist system and way of production values to further strengthen the ecological crisis, and inevitably lead to irrational use of technology. Thus they surround the capitalist system and the relationship between ecological crisis, on the basis of capital values and ecological crisis, the technology of using its relationship with ecological crisis of capitalism, to discuss the root cause of ecological crisis and its solutions, to eventually become the institutional dimension, philosophical values dimension and political dimensions of the three ecological civilization theory of unity within.

"System criticism" is the core content of ecological marxist theory of ecological civilization, because they always insist on historical materialism to analyze contemporary ecological problems. In their view, ecocentrism and anthropocentrism does not understand the view of nature and historical unity within relationships, they are called "natural" or "wilderness" human practice activities, thus the environmental protection with the rights of human existence contradiction; Either call "natural" is still controlled by the capital and technology reason, do not know without changing the premise of capitalist system and way of production, relying only on the abstract moral preaching, to fundamental changes in the human view of nature, it is impossible to fundamentally solve the ecological problems. The advantages of historical materialism are always "emphasizing the social precondition of material production conditions, and how these conditions can limit human freedom and possibility. ...... This materialism has never neglected the inevitable connection between these material conditions and natural history, which is the inexorable relation with the materialist view of nature. Apply historical materialism to analyze and solve ecological problems, requires based on from the historical and natural dialectical unification relations, adhere to the historical analysis and class analysis to explore the essence of the contemporary ecological problems and their solutions. It is this background, the theory of historical materialism for the ecology marxism to critique of "system" as the core of the theory of ecological civilization, and fundamentally different from the western other green, has become in our current thinking about how to establish the important resources of ecological civilization theory in developing countries.

Ecological marxism considers contemporary ecological problems from the perspective of institutional dimension, philosophical value dimension and political dimension. From the dimension of the system, they think, capitalist production purpose is not production commodity use value, meet people's need for commodity use value, but the exchange value of commodity production, meet the capital in the pursuit of profit. This determines the "nature" is the foundation of the capitalist production and the necessary conditions, but can't be the end-result of capitalist production, and ultimately caused the contradiction between the capitalist production with natural conflict. This is because: on the one hand, capital based on the profit motive is not only the capitalist production system follows the "calculation and efficiency" as the main content of economic rationality, and with an expanding trend. Economic rationality is a only care about the instrumental rationality of input and output, it pursues the values of "production, the better", the relationship between man and nature is simple to use and by use of the instrumental relations, control, and controlled. Due to economic rationality on the basis of the development of capitalist production system expanding period and is not consistent between natural running cycle, this will trigger a constant tension between man and nature, the destruction of the capitalist countries both its ecological environment, at the same time, with the expanding of capital output ecological problems for developing countries. On the other hand, the operation of capitalist mode of production is characterized by a large amount of input resources and manpower, which shorten the production cycle through technological innovation, which means the fast consumption of natural resources. In order to avoid and offset the investment risk and capital, have a tendency to short-term investments, and the environmental protection and environmental recovery often need long time planning, "as a result, investors in the short to medium term investment decision-making behavior of capitalism becomes the lethal factors influencing the overall environmental ills". Based on the above understanding, ecology marxism not only clearly put forward "the capitalist system in nature is the ecological" theoretical proposition, and that does not change the capitalist system and way of production, it is impossible to fundamentally solve the ecological crisis and the construction of ecological civilization.

Seen from its philosophical values dimension, ecology marxism on the one hand, defended the anthropocentrism values, points out that the so-called "natural value theory" and "theory of natural rights" not only in theory is difficult to set up, and the dilemma of the so-called "animal ethics" will inevitably lead to mysticism; Criticism based on capital again on the other hand the modern anthropocentrism values not only causes the "natural" just as the instrumental existence is to satisfy people's needs, but also inevitably leads to the alienation of technology as well as the relationship between man and nature of alienation. On this basis, ecological marxism reinterprets the connotation of anthropocentrism. In their view, construction of ecological civilization must be established on the basis of anthropocentrism values, this is because "the nature and definition of ecological balance is obviously a kind of human behavior, a kind of related to people's needs, pleasure and desire of human to define". Here just anthropocentrism values has its special connotation, to be specific, firstly, and based on capital, subject to capital profit motive and materialistic supreme anthropocentrism values is different, of ecology marxism is "a long-term collective anthropocentrism, rather than short-term of new classical economics the individualism of anthropocentrism. Therefore, it is committed to achieving sustainable development, both for physical reasons and for its desire to evaluate nature in a non-material way. Second, the ecology marxism said anthropocentrism values while also stressed that "people-oriented", but "people-oriented" here refers to production should be to meet the basic needs of people, especially to meet the basic needs of the poor for this. "In the economic development, the ecological attitude is moderate, not more. The importance of meeting basic needs and long-term security should be emphasized in the context of people, especially the poor, rather than production or even the environment. This is the basic moral of our struggle against the higher immorality of the capitalist mode of production."

From its political dimension, it is mainly reflected in their discussion on how to finally solve the ecological crisis. They don't agree with green ideas advocated by the western capitalism without changing the existing power structure under the premise of through community ecological autonomy to solve the problem of the ecological point of view, and emphasis on regional ecological problems are closely linked with the globalization of capital. Therefore, only to break the system of capitalism and the global power relations and realize the change of the values of human ecological combination is the fundamental way to solve the contemporary ecological crisis that requires the ecological movement with the socialist movement organically, form to deal with the problem of ecological crisis against the capital of the united front, establish ecological socialism can solve the ecological crisis finally.


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