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作业代写:Design culture

2018-03-21 来源: 51due教员组 类别: Essay范文

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Design culture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了设计文化。设计作为社会整体文化的一个有机组成部分,它所体现出的任一特定时空的文化风貌,必然是在文化的参与和制约下展开和完成的。正因为如此,不同的社会文化所具有的不同精神风貌和心理结构,以及由此联系的价值和审美观念,均对设计的产生与发展起到了不可忽视的作用。设计是一种独创性的,存在于不同时空、地域的人类文明的造物行为。在信息技术和传媒技术迅速发展的今天,设计与文化已然结合得更加紧密。

Design culture,设计文化,essay代写,paper代写,北美作业代写

Design, as an integral part of the whole culture of society, embodies the cultural features of any particular time and space, which must be carried out and completed under the participation and restriction of culture. Because of this, different social culture have different spirit and psychological structure, and the contact of the value and aesthetic idea, to the generation and development of the design play a considerable role.

Throughout the history of world design, the design of each era is closely associated with the social culture of the time. In ancient times, along with the evolution of human culture and the survival instinct lost consciousness, ancestors' on hunting, chipped stone tools, such as making GuShi long evolution, formed a preliminary design consciousness. Such as Beijing cavemen invented the fine grinding and drilling technology, they choose different or similar natural objects, drilling and its string thread combined appropriately, for their decoration. It can be said that this is the initial germination of human design culture, which is the need of survival and decoration, laying the foundation for future design culture development. The "streamlined design" that emerged in the 1920s in the United States shows the vigorous social and cultural ethos of an emerging capitalist country, and is an example of the close correlation between design and culture.

The cultural spirit, behavior, system, implements and other aspects cannot exist out of thin air, but through the concrete time and space people and a certain way of life. In the creation of new concrete objects to embody the human spirit will, it also stipulates People's Daily behaviors with specific objects, and concretely forms the material life style of people. , so to speak, creates the new way of life for the humanity design at the same time, the essence is to create a new culture, and culture change is by the "design", intentionally or unintentionally, to sustainable development and progression. Since the said design is an act of creating new culture, so, because the culture of continuity, stylist is in design creation should often seek inspiration of creation from the tradition of culture or the basis, it is from this perspective, culture, there is no doubt that can be used as a design background and checked again.

Culture is a multi-level, multi-dimensional, therefore, the design culture also presents various dimensions: material and spiritual, practical and aesthetic, technology and art, social ethics and economic added, and so on, form the design culture from different aspects. The materiality of the design of creation determines that it can create material value; The spirit of design culture determines that it can create spiritual value. As the basic value of design culture, practical value can meet the basic needs of people's life -- practical needs. While the practical needs are satisfied, the design should also meet people's need for spiritual needs, such as aesthetic value and ethical value.

In the contemporary society with highly developed material civilization, spiritual values are becoming more and more important and indispensable, and the strong humanistic pursuit shown in contemporary design is evidence. Contemporary product design, architectural design contains a very high technical value, such as design of HSBC Hong Kong bank building, foster high-tech style conform to the people of this era of rapid growth have aesthetic preferences. Design in the context of contemporary interpretation also began to pay attention to social ethics, social ethics, such as "moderate consumption", "appropriate design", "green design", "sustainable development" and other design concept can help achieve social ethics value design culture, so as to regulate the behavior of human.

As a unique form of production, the design is often a kind of physical portrayal of the comprehensive situation of The Times, which embodies the development level and characteristics of an era. From the multidimensional value of design culture perspective, if the material production from the natural and cultural transformation, spirit production is created by spirit as the leading ideology of culture, so, the design culture is between the two, both the result of mutual fusion. Design, in the production of culture, the aesthetic factors are the necessary design, its production is actually in the production of material culture deeply into human psychology, aesthetic, emotion, as a result, the design culture is the pursuit of an aesthetic and emotional expression. Due to the combination of both material and spiritual culture, design culture has become a "primitive culture" from the perspective of genetics. And as the design culture of this yuan culture, together with the development of design constitute the history we have seen, the space that we live in now.

Through the in-depth discussion of the design culture, we can say that the design of the ancient and modern times is interlinked. It is an important indicator to evaluate the cultural characteristics of a region and a country. Contemporary society, thanks to the development of science and technology and the information fusion of cultural trend is more and more obvious, in different parts of the design concept and design works in mutual influence, but as our local design, must be in the design concept of diversity into our national traditional culture personality, because from the point of the cultural inheritance of the combination of contemporary design concept and culture, national spirit should be eternal. It is worth noting that under the condition of information society, we should be more for the design from the aspect of mental, emotional, mental, the development of "people-oriented" design idea, on the basis of life and surrounded by culture. As long as we adhere to the development trend of Chinese cultural heritage as the contemporary design of China, the contemporary design of China can fully reflect the value of the cultural tension and individuality of the Chinese nation.


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